how to use a coin wash?

Hey guys. my car is super dirty from this winter driving and im just wondering how the heck u use a coin wash? my car is too low to go through a car wash. I tried the other day but just clean water was coming out now soap.


you just fuckin put money in it and spray your car. what the hell kind of a question is this? :smiley:

are you fucking retarded?

You call the place up and pay them w.e the amount is there and they give you coins. Use those coins to wash your car.

dont touch the brushes!!!

only use the

soapor whatever

if they have that spot-free-final rinse,that stuff works bomb too

no brushes

half the people at car washes use those brushes to get mud and Serious dirt off their car/wheels

i’d only use the brush for wheels…

First off, make sure it is a reputable spot, like maybe the big one just east of #25 on Steals (iirc you live in Milton or nearby)
There should be lots of soap coming out of the brush, and it should be a soft brush (some are pretty crappy).

Heres what I do:

  1. drive in (look for the cleanest one… dirt on the floor means dirt in the brush)
  2. spray your rims with whatever good rim cleaner you use
  3. insert coins and make sure you have extra in your pocket ready to go incase you need extra time in a hurry
  4. spray the car with the high pressure soap (don’t let your wheel cleaner sit there too long either)
  6. turn on the soapy brush and start washing top to bottom
  7. wash the rims last
  8. spray off the car with the high pressure wax. Sure it’s cheap stuff, but it can’t hurt.
  9. if it’s below freezing, don’t bother drying it off unless you can do it in the bay and it’s still warm in there.

Good luck man.

y ou have a kouki
and you actually use the brush?

I saw number 5, that you clean it real good.
but my buddy is a detailer at porsche,
and he would never use a brush on paint surfaces.

I’d understand if it was a home brush,
but one from the local wash… :confused:

you have a beautiful car,
you must be crazy to use that brush! :mad:

you havent had any issues? swurls and such ?

haha oh man i cant believe all the replys so quick! it was just a joke. kinda makin fun of the. “how do i take out my seats” thread

i always use the brushes and not recived one scratch. you just have to go to a good coin op. the one i go to has someone there all the time to clean and replace worn out items.

Yeah, the one near me is really good. I don’t use it all the time, but the brushes are super soft and tons of soap comes out constantly… not like the ones where they push out soap for 30 seconds then nothing for 30 seconds then more soap.

Don’t worry, she get treated very well at home.

As far as the winter time is concerned, coin washes are great to just blast off all the salt and dirt for $3. I don’t really do much more than a quick spot of soap and then blast water. :smiley:

Summer is when I do the more detailed stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like you got a somewhat interesting topic started by accident there snowboard_240sx haha.

haha yeah i noticed that…all this topic about the brush and all the other stuff

the guy who owns spot free car wash in milton said that to aviod freezing locks finish with the hot wax.

hahaha Rob I was thinking " What the hell is this Kid doing???"

You bastard, Hey thanks for calling :smiley: