How'd you mount your front plate?

Drill holes in your plate for cooling, restrictor plate yo

What about mounting it:



under the bottom lip? the bumper will be dragging on the ground if it’s any lower than the lip…



[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:15,topic:29471"”]

There is a picture of the mount here:


Did you even look? :gotme:

This is where it goes from the factory:

The part looks like this:

And with a plate on it:

And no, I’m not selling you mine :slight_smile:


[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:24,topic:29471"”]

And no, I’m not selling you mine :slight_smile:


WHY THE F DO YOU HAVE ONE…you will be beaten unless u just keep it in the car and when u get pulled over you just say…look man I just got it and am putting it on this weekend.


WHY THE F DO YOU HAVE ONE…you will be beaten unless u just keep it in the car and when u get pulled over you just say…look man I just got it and am putting it on this weekend.


Exactly, but I’ve never been pulled over for not having one in almost 10 years of owning Zs. I did get a front plate ticket once which got me out of a speeding ticket :slight_smile:


Mine mounted perfect!! Right on the passenger side floor under the floor mat. But If I get pulled over I got the bracket in the back seat that I just picked up yesturday officer. :smiley:


that’s what gets me…stock, the bumper has NOWHERE to mount it…no holes or anything…

how can a car legally be sold like that? I mean…how can they sell a car in NYS, a state that requires front bumpers, without means to mount said front bumper?

and also, how can they say it’s the law to MODIFY a car from how it comes from the manufacturer, to make it legal? you would think the law would be for all manufacturers and dealers to make their cars street legal before it can be sold…

ugh…pisses me off…


umm they arent going to produce cars special for NYS because we have different plate laws… i agree that the front plate law is dumb and on sports car and exotics the clean look in the front is sooo nice, but its the law… pay2play. mount it and be done.

Didn’t we just hear not too long ago that NY is going to drop the front plate?

A 'Vette owner made a mount that holds the plate out of sight. Then if you get stopped, you flip a switch and it pops out and up. I bet Newman could design & build one.

if they pull you over for things you think are like the illegal exhaust id leave the plate off cause if you put it on they will give you a ticket for a loud exhaust not a warning for no front plate

ive been rocking no front plate on my DD and evo for years… i dont ever have a problem wtf

i got my front end smashed in on my old truck and i got pulled over and hes like why dont you have a front plate? im like well officer could you find me one decent place to mount it?

he didnt have much of an answer for that. lol

u guys dont know andy would use mud and cum before he would spend money on something

Few weeks back I saw someone had it on the back side of the sun visor.Not too bad of a idea.I dont know the legality of it but its better than nothing at all.

^^^fantastic… anyway, i don’t like the idea of having my plate sitting on my dash because i would be concerned where it might end up if i got in an accident.

edit: that “fantastic” was in reference to the mud and cum comment, not the sun visor thing. i’ve never heard of that, does that count as having a front plate?


Multiple zip ties


thats what i did and u cant see any of them. i remounted the plate off to the side so it does not block my intercooler

mine chills inside the car on the dash :slight_smile:

no tickets, never been pulled over for it… 5.0 love


does that count as having a front plate?

