I am a drug addict.

how did this turn from us 2 saying we like getting blazed to a full out war on why drugs are bad :lol

could you stoners exaggerate any further? Seriously, it’s lame.

That makes all kinds of sense.

You’re uh, not smart.

And this is coming from a high school dropout pothead. :rofl


but seriously, those video game rumors arent accurate. If anything you are worse at games while high, your just high… and so is everyone else, so you have more fun even though you suck.

so those in this thread that are pro-weed are either drop-outs or recent high school graduates, correct?

That’s an entirely different debate. If you are going that route, cigarettes should be put in as well.

Funny I was thinking the same thing about those of you that think we’re a bunch of junkies who are being watched by the feds and crashing our cars because we’re so inebriated from those bong hits.


I’m not going to sit here and say it’s intelligent or perfectly ok to smoke weed throughout their lives with no ill effects, because that would be moronic.

But I see no difference between going home after work and smoking a bowl, and having a beer. Or fuck it do both.

Smoking weed does not make you a felon, or a junkie. It’s relaxing, and good for the psyche.

correct i guess? idk whos a drop out but yea just graduated high school a couple weeks ago

Must be a coincidence that all of the studies (Supposedly didn’t exist per McMuffin) do exist from various sources. Maybe they are all inaccurate?

Seems that way.

thanks for proving my point… who said anything about the feds? And it was you that said it was safe to drive while high, which is completely wrong.

and again…

I challenge you to a Forza/Halo/CoD championship.

Potheads vs. not.

High our of our minds vs. ‘you guys’ :rofl

Or wait, we’re junkies, don’t want us in your house, we might steal your VCR for weed money :rofl

Yeah, I didn’t say weed has not been personally detrimental. I think I’d be better off in life if it wasn’t there but that’s not the weed’s fault, I’m weak and lazy.

there is no right or wrong. opinions are opinions. why even argue when both sides are so stubborn, although just reading through this entertaining thread has killed half my work day and defined the blind faith church go-ers from the open-minded… j/k :ninja

I do not think it’s entirely safe to drive high, I try not to.

I don’t think it’s safe to allow many people who are SOBER to drive, mainly the 80+ crowd.

All I’m saying is weed isn’t as bad as you fools make it out to be, you act like it’s this evil thing that’s gonna gitcha.

It’s just a plant that you smoke that makes you laugh/makes you fuzzy. That’s it.

Word. :rofl

Incorrect. It IS illegal.

I didn’t just graduate, and I didn’t drop out.
I’m not anti pot, but I don’t smoke either.
I used to alot in high school but I just don’t want to now.
The amount that I drink has tapered off too.
I know pot is the “gateway drug” but other drugs scare me.
The whole reason why I eased back on both is I hate not feeling like I have control.
I don’t want to not be able to get in my car and go if I have to.
I don’t want to worry about getting pulled over, or getting in an accident.
I don’t want to trip up the stairs while I’m drunk.
I don’t want to space out or laugh at nothing being high.

And that’s how I really feel. :lol

Oh, P.S. - I suck at video games high. Guitar Hero high FTL.

You have NEVER done something illegal? Is illegal parallel* to wrong?.. is that answer an opinion?

*this spelling was corrected by a pothead. ps: get firefox.

Paralell? Sounds like tasty pasta of some sort.

Sure, I’ve done things illegal. Point? Are you comparing my parking my car illegal or speeding with drug use?

How about I go shank some bastard in the street and then ask the judge if he ever drove while talking on his cell.

So now you’re arguing the how one thing is more illegal than another?

Ok. Let’s go through the list of NYS violations, which a POM/UPM is by the way, and see how it stacks up.