I am probably going to hell for this....

i see, i see…

its true, there are dumb black people who were warned but still don’t want to get away…

how about normal black people with no money to get out of town? it appears that all the smart people, white or black…they fled the city looooong before the storm hit the town…they knew what’s gonna happen, they got the money, and they fled, right?

i know there are busses…but they probably heard how miserable the traffic was and decided not to go?

dumb white people…err…i guess that’s pretty obvious, even if they have money, they just won’t fled the city cos’ they want to guard their property…(stupid)


what i was (actually) asking: will the government treat the WHOLE new orleans-hit-by-katrina situation differently, IF New Orleans was governed by a white major and filled with 95% white people?

(im asking this cos’ i heard how the goverment intentionally didn’t handled the whole situation they way it’s supposed to be…cos’ its a “black city” anyway)
