I bought a Honda, dear lord what am I doing?

You need to drive a shitbox then. There’s something liberating about the I don’t give a fuck mentality that comes with them.

Lol I’m just messin’ with Chris anyway. but you’re absolutely right.

Don’t mind him, doesn’t know much of anything

Reasons why I love this more: cheap to fix, I can run 87 octane over 93, I can park this where ever & not car, could care less about dents or scratches, took it 100 miles & the fuel gage didn’t budge, I can drive through pot holes or go over speed bumps & not ruin it, I can take it off road & it costs me 19 dollars a month to insure. All seem like pretty good reasons to like this over the Junky Dub

Ummm what

I don’t know much of anything huh? Good one chris! I know enough that your 1.8t engine in your dub is a small ass POS motor. And your 800$ CRX that your ghetto rigging with walmart paint and its shitty ass non vtec motor that has 400,000 miles on it is shit, but I don’t know anything I guess. (even though its a beater, thats exactly what it is, a beater! Nothing special about that car at all) Watch it bro :skid:skid

(granted any CRX motor is “good” technically speaking, considering they last forever, but still. I don’t appreciate you telling me I don’t know much of anything.) Not to mention, when I try and make conversation with you, you’re a dick!

Yeah, you don’t know much of anything, BRO.


You should just sell your vw then Chris. If you enjoy your POS over your nice car, why even waste the money having a nice car. The crx is probably faster than your vw anyway.


Janky ass 1.8T. Doesn’t get much worse than that, except maybe the N/A 2.0l dub engine. One time, I took a CRX off a bike ramp in my driveway. Shit was amazing.


are you seriously wasting time talking shit about someone’s beater when you drive a 3000gt as a daily? :skid

now i’ve heard it all :rofl

I’m not talking shit about his beater, I’m mostly talking shit about his VW. Are you retarded? And yes I daily a 3000gt, I don’t see the problem with that.

Orly? maybe i read it wrong? hmmmmmmmmm…

and hell, i’d rather drive a 1.8t vdub than a 3000gt ANYDAY, not that either one is really anything spectacular, but still

wut are you wuting? CRXs have a very appealing style to me. They’re small, hatchback, and I love it. They’re one of my favorites when it comes to your average car. They’re hard to find without rust just like any other old honda. :skid

No you read it just fine… I was just stating a fact.

Bros broin’ ITT.

No occifers here, problem!

Anthony…back off before they gang up on you. Shift members are like Puerto Ricans at the Lot…

Ehh… He’ll be alright, his brother is my cousin (if that makes any sense) and I’ll be here to save him.


Nice start! Let me know when you want to do a RHD conversion…

Well the CRX has been out & about getting me to & from Selkirk everyday for the past 2 weeks like a boss. I got just under 37 mpg out of the 1st tank & that was with doing some clutch dumps & driving like an @$$hole. Speaking of which, Easter morning coming home from work I got this old car up to 95 mph! Cost me an insane 35 dollars to fill the ol’ girl up, loving it. Every day somebody stops and asks me either if the car is for sale, what I get for mileage or where I found it. I get more attention in this than any of the cars I have ever owned haha. I had those old 15 inch steelies laying in my garage so my buddy offered me a set of Greddy headers in exchange for rusty steelies with shot tires. Couldn’t say no. Now it’s just finding time to do them. Mod wise she’s done, I may do a short throw shifter & get some 13 inch hx rims down the road but that’s all up in the air. For now, just gonna run her & enjoy the smiles people give me.