I bought a mac because...


That’s my point - some things a mac is better for, some things a pc is better for. The one thing that always bugged me about my mac is that I can’t surf the web easily, because nothing is ever formatted correctly, and files aren’t encoded with the proper codec, and I can’t download half the games. For daily life, I use my pc more than anything. I rock the mac when I have something graphically oriented, because the interface is so much better that I can rip through it in half the time.


I think you are mistaken macs of today with macs of the past. And not even macs for that matter, but the browsers that were used on macs. IE5 and Safari 1 were terrible, but since web-standards compliant browsers have been around, most of the mac related display issues are things of the past.

I use Safari and Firefox daily, and spend most of my days online, and I have no more issues than I have on my PC. (almost none). I did have some trouble playing WMV files, but I got the plugin and I am all set.