I got screwed buying a US Version 240sx

Ya I’m gonna have to come and get more parts from my old car!! lol I do believe that it is not the injectors, but it is due to a crack on the muffler down pipe (I guess) that attaches to the manifold. Either the gasket needs to be replaced or the whole piece!! I talked to Neil he said to bring it by on Monday, so I’m sticking to that plan and bringing it in on Monday morning.

Thanks Cory!!

No worries Jay,

see you then!


what i dont get is that the car is 15yrs old…or almost wait it out then you can bring it in…what month is the production date.???
me bro’s is a 89 so its legal now…

Not if its on the RIV’s Inadmissable list. Then no matter how many years old it is, it’s still illegal no matter what!! I thought about doing that too, till I enquired directly to RIV about the 15 year rule. They said its on the list, its illegal!!

I recently purchased a 1990 240sx hatch from a guy who just moved back from Atlanta, Georgia, USA. All I knew was in order to register this vehicle I would have to get an out of province inspection and my bill of sale. Well… thats when my problems began!! I went down to the registries place and asked for the request form or whatever they call it, to get the OOP Inspection. She asked a few questions about the car, where it was from, what year blah blah. She said that I would need import papers and sent me off to talk to RIV (Registrar of Imported Vehicles). I called, the guy asked me about the year of the car, as soon as I said 1990 240sx, he said uh oh!! he said that car may be illegal and he pulled up the list “THE LIST” if your vehicle is on this list, it will not be allowed into Canada. EVEN IF your car is 15 years old or not!! Anyway, it turns out that my 1990 240sx has the electric seat belts (passive restraints) which for some reason does not meet the CMVSS standards. So at the end of the day, I was F*&KED!! I am out of a car!! AND out all of the parts that I had bought too!! I had no choice but to sell the car for parts!! So if your looking for some parts, check out Al’s Auto Salvage.

The reason I am sharing my story with you, is so that no one else gets screwed!!

I’m sure most of you all know this info, but this is for the people like myself who had no idea!!

Here is the link to the RIV inadmissible US vehicle list: http://www.riv.ca/english/US_vehicle_admissibility.pdf

So you sold it to Al. How much did you get?

Dude I’m sorry to hear that! :frowning:

thats just dumb ! can’t you change the seatbelts to regular once ?and I’ve seen Saturns even set in oone with electric seat belts

Nah, there really isn’t anything at all that can be done (legally anyway). Ya I know a few other vehicles that have the electric seatbelts, the ford escort and probe had them. I contemplated so many options, I just said F@#k it!! I’m hoping that within the next couple of weeks here, I will be buying another one!!

sorrie to hear good luck with new one

ya, really shitty deal man. Hope you get a new one soon…maybe a RHD :smiley:

I’m wishing it can be!! I’m hoping to know soon of what my budget will be for getting another!! Either way, its gonna be a 240!!

Thanks guys for feelin my pain!!

just swap the seat belts…
and your talkin to the wrong ppl…cause my brother has one from the states
is the same fucking car WTF thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard

Its a 1989 -1991 240sx??

The people at www.riv.ca told me no matter what kind of alterations are done to this car, it will never be legal!! If I could, I’m gonna have to buy my car back!!

No one said swapping the seat belts was legal :wink:

Can you believe the beauracracy involved with this… the only way I think you could get the car into Canada is to alter it w/out customs knowing then pass it off as one of the “good ones”

The question I have is since you have to supply certain documentation from Nissan and other bodies to customs… will they still know regardless if the change is performed without them knowing and thus still making it “illegal” and unregisterable?

Well as long as customs thinks that the car is not either a car within the years of 1989-1991 and the 1992 convertible. Then they would not care. And ~~POOF~!~ the car is in and registerable!! But I’m not taking that route!! :cry: I know I should have just out of spite, but oh well. I just gotta suffer thru it till I get my next car, which I’m hoping will be very soon!!

Well the wait is OVER!!! I got my car today!!

I picked up a 1989 240sx S13. I have some things that I have to do to it before it’s debut and my debut to the NECC meet!!

doing things shady is never good

Who said he was doing something “shady”? It’s a different car then the first one he bought. The first one he bought was a 1990 and this second on he bought is a 1989. It’s not like he swapped parts to make his first one “shady” legal.