I just dont understand this "view" on nitrous...

I have a little pet peeve going on here. Why do ALOT of import owners BITCH about domestics using nitrous? I hear this over and over again and I am currently bringing this up because someone is making comments one one of my videos about nitrous.

maybe someone can explain this to me. As of right now, I dont understand it. Friday night after the civic mop up I heard the group of kids were bitching about me spraying as well.

last time I checked, a power adder is a power adder. Correct? You guys choose turbos, because they work. Superchargers, because they work. Why cant we use Nitrous without getting any shit? I feel like its just another thing for “REAL ricers” to bitch about. I know we have alot of level headed import owners on this site. I am not targeting you. I am not targeting anyone. I just simply want to know the reasoning behind bitching about it.

I don’t know… nitrous is fine. People complained when Joey used it in his Civic too. Just isn’t that common in the import world I guess

Jesus i can’t believe this shits still going on lol…

I know right haa

I know plenty of mopar guys that run spray only. No one complains, people should just make their shit faster instead of bitching.


Smokin often gets in week long fights with his fiancee when she places a spoon in the fork section in his kitchen.

street racing is life

ricers need a reason to bitch when they lose
/ thread


I drive imports, use turbos, nitrous oxide and don’t make asshole excuses when I loose. I deserve REP!!

Who cares what people think. .

Exactly. If it wasn’t the Nitrous it would’ve been something else he bitched about. He needs to stop making excuses and take the loss(es) as a learning experience as that’s life.

one reason why I am bringing this up is because you brought it up the other night and it has been sticking in my mind.

Why is it that drag racing always leads to a dick measuring contest? Srs question. I’m going to go to an scca event and run my mouth to whoever wins and call them a cheater and ask then to ditch any mods to make it more fair.

no idea. Like I said, I am not directing this topic towards anyone. I am just bringing this up because it seems to be a frequent excuse import owners use.

This isnt drag racing, its roll racing. Get your shit straight fool!

Oh my bad. Stipulation racing ftw… ill give u a 60 roll if u give me a dig race. Nah man I ain’t got traction from digs ill do a 40 roll and a 60 roll. I mean really, what the fuck? And its always fun when you disagree with someaone and their response is “wtf man wait till I see u on da street. Ill stomp u bro”. Not like I can respond with “oh if I catch u in price chopper parking lot ill destroy you on this imaginary road course I made up”

Shit makes no sense to me. At autox its about giving advice and telling people they had a good run. Friendly competition…

Hahaha it’s true though, that’s why i brought it up the other night. I didn’t mean I can’t believe your still talking about it. I meant that the kids still making excuses and now his buddys wanna race you.

Idc what people think of spray. Personally, I hope they hate it even more if I beat em on it :lol