I don’t want to drive the car like it is, but the right rear brake is dragging…not sure if its the parking brake or what, but makes rotor very hot. Could it be that my e brake is too tight? And also, are the cables on your e brake supposed to look skewed like this

Not my car. but looks the same. One is longer than the other
one can be hanging up. pull the wheel off. you maybe need to persuade the e brake back into rest position. just tap it back into normal postion with hammer. you prob need new cables though. just don’t use e brake again till you replace it.
The sliding pins in the rear calipers seize after a while. Take the caliper itself off, and try to push them in…if they move at all, take the pins out, clean/grease them and put them back in. That will alleviate the problem.
If they are fully seized up, replace them. The cables don’t freeze up on those cars.
I would second that the “sliding pins” are probably seized. You would feel the cable being tight if thats what it was.
Use a tourch and get those pins out if they are really stuck. Don’t burn the rubber seals. Wire wheel/sand the pins down then use anti-seize to reinstall for lube.