I PHONE!!!!!

eff both of them

1 - its RAZR. and iPhone
2 - you’d be a morAn for choosing moto-trash over the iPhone if cost-was-no-object. even if it is. :smiley:

i can second that rumor


I was gonna buy one, what dont you like about it?

I thought someone told me that you cant send pictures that you take with the built in camera… that sounds wrong tho.

i love i phones

I will take you up on that offer, but we’ll do it 2 ways, 1. regular 2 hands, and 2. one handed while driving like I’m doing right now. I bet I win at both. I will crush 1 handed, can you even hold that thing one handed?ps. the only advantage in my eyes is you habe all of the internets, while I can only watch a small fraction of youtube vids. pps. does the iphone have expandable memory ie an sd card slot?

Meh. 8G is more than enough for me. And Ill go head to head one handed, I’ll devastate you…

Edit: What makes it super easy is the predictive spelling thing. No matter how much i fuck up it knows what i am trying to type…

I went from a Razr to an iPhone and you can’t compare them. My Razr had a terrible delay when bouncing between menus.

I love the iPhone, every time I use it I have an enjoyable experience (eye candy, etc). But it’s not perfect, the lack of copy & paste and undo is sometimes obnoxious. I also wish Safari gave you the option to open a link in a new window. I haven’t tried loading Jailbreak yet, so I’m not sure what the deal is with that.

One of the drawbacks of the touch screen keyboard is that you have to be looking at it to use it. This means, as Jam pointed out, that you can’t safely text while driving, as if there is a safe way to text while driving. This also makes the iPod feature annoying because I can’t keep the phone in my pocket and have complete control. Sure the headphones have the pause and next song built into the microphone piece but it’s not the same.

Other than that using the keyboard is fine, unless you have fat fingers I suppose. I have to force myself to slow down because the faster I try and type the less accurate I am. The built in speaker does a decent job of replacing tactile feedback. The phone’s auto correct also helps A LOT.

no flash, no copy/paste, no SDK yet (but thats coming soon… as well as copy/paste), not able to receive or send MMS messages (you CAN receive them, but have to use ATT’s website to do so, and with lack of copy/paste it really blows), you can send pictures through email but have to resize them but if you get sent a pic through email, you can’t save it.

not only that, but some kind of 4 way directional pad would of been nice as well. It uses Edge… and ATT for that matter, it’s buggy and over priced.

buuuut, once you hack it… most of that goes out the window and it’s a lot more functional.

Give me a nice, normal cell/camera phone and I’m happy. I have an ipod and I’m around a computer all day at work or home so whats the point?

the razr is a huge pos, and the iphone is a bunch of silly shit I dont need.


i have the treo 755p and i love it so far. i traded in my blackberry world edition which i had tons of problems with. my friend has the iphone and he doesnt really like it. he cant send picture messages with it i guess. i think the iphone is cool but i like having acutal buttons to press.

I can’t wait until my warranty is up so I can hax it…

so you went with the treo? i still have the 700p, did you have one of those? whats the diffrence besides obv cosmetic ie no antenna?

i never had a 700p, next time you see me we can compare.

I support the phone cause the more of my friends go to AT&T for it, the less minutes i use calling them.

However, I’ve always tried to keep iCrap as far out of my life as possible, and this is no exception.

Voyager from Verizon…


because (unlike you) they don’t have a case of the UnFunny? (ps, it’s Activity Monitor, or if you have a clue, PS -ax, there isn’t a “task manager”)

i almost got the iPhone… instead I got the Blackberry 8810 w Wifi. You should check it out.