I think I have a cult next door...

Almost sounds like a Church.

Oh wait that is a cult :ponder

I bet we could kick most of their asses!

Yeah like a catholic church, sure glad the churches I were brought up in weren’t anything like that!

These are the guys that were bringing in The Dali Lama last year but under scruitiny, had to be cancelled.


XIVMs are prototypes for a new civilization. The buildings themselves are a manifestation of human history, human potential, and cultural possibility.

Each NXIVM will represent elements of all the different parts of human history, and the many developments of human culture and human awareness.

Numerous exhibit rooms within the NXIVMs will depict specific periods of human civilization and the collective struggles and victories within each.

Those interested in taking part in NXIVM will find different membership options to suit their needs and preferences.

alright Jammer, give up the website your copy/pasting from!!!

hmmm…this place is also near my apartment

http://www.rickross.com/groups/esp.html is one

Interesting. I’d like to see the inside of one of their buildings.

Edit- woah wtf. Way too similar to Scientology. “Give us all of your wealth and we’ll help you.” Complete, utter brainwashing.

Ding Ding, we have a winner

Sounds cool tho////

So yea, the picture of the guy jammer posted, is here daily… Feel free to stop by and say Hi to these guys…

Seriously, thats really fuckin creepy to think about… Explains why theres always a couple new faces every now and then…


And if anyone is wondering how anyone could be this naive and give people their money for random classes… well think of it like religion in the Dark ages, you preach happyness and people will believe anything

Heres their website if anyone wants in!


lold hard at rickross.com

Scientology is some scary ass shit


Your neighbors are crazy for sure Shady. Phelps family crazy. But hey, too each their own.

Your not catholic?


Shift518 group outing… checking out the NXVIM headquarters!

No. In my church there is a LOT of different opinions. We aren’t spoon fed one opinion from the pulpit and everyone has to believe it or else. Everyone makes their own decisions on how to do this or that or to believe this or that, but there is a general guideline or set of advice. For example, being 23, I disagree with a LOT of the stuff the 50+ year olds agree with or think (including that of my own parents).

Most opinions of me on this forum are misinterpreted/misconstrued. Not surprised you thought I was catholic.

Yea, I’ve been doing a lot of reading over the past hour, and I think the Main peeps or the “close to the leader err vanguard” are always here with him, and I’m guessing the lady friend he “lives” with is the one that gives him rides all the time…

he was seen kissing a dude one night…

The scarfs make sense now too… as a couple of them have been seen with them.

yes… but you still follow what they say

Anyone down for just walking in there one day and asking where to signup? :rofl

BTW guys, if I don’t post for awhile… You know whats happend to me.