i want to scream...

how bout you get ur car running and we try on urs :slight_smile:

newman rocks my world…

actually…i dont know if u can do it on TT…intake is different…ill check it out but yes we are doing it on mine…kid dyno-ed 189 stock and did this and dynoed 197 :eek:


this sounds almost similar to the problem I recently had… in which I busted the accesory pully, aka crank shaft pully… it came apart on me… through belts off and made lights come on in my dash. Check all your pulleys… def sounds like the accesory belt… not sure how the Z’s belts are laid out… but I would check all the pulleys…

Im not sure how that explain the bucking, but… losing accesories does weird shit…

Personally I lost my power steering, the battery light came on, and coolant light…

intake is different between tt and na? please…do entertain me and explain this one…what would make it not possible in a tt…and what could possibly be more efficient than having the filter, cone preferably, right smack dab front center of the car…

the na has a LOT piping that wraps behind the lights and just all over the place…so the kid removed all that and capped it off…so its going from the cone directly to the throttle bodies…and i checked…its only for NA…entertained?

lol kcuv do you see what i meant in my pm :stuck_out_tongue:

haha…^^ yea i see…because TTs dont need the room where the NA piping is for intercoolers…but i wouldnt know because i didnt fail a swap :gotme:

i just find how hilarious it is that you say the car is meant to be beat on yet you have no friggin clue what is going on under the hood. you’re right there to pay someone else to figure out what you effed up. man up and learn something and do some work on your own. if you beat the car you need to learn to fix the shit you break.

u stick ur hood under a Z and figure out whats going on…theres barely room to breath in there…ill have onyx do it and have him teach me because he already knows what he’s doing…but i appreciate the advice bud :tup: ill be sure to man up

I wish my car broke when I beat on it… At least then I’d have a reason why it broke.

nooooooooooooo, didnt want to listen to me last year, did ya? DID YA???


Ok people, stop speculating. Him driving the car hard did not cause this problem.

It’s not the alternator - its the crank pulley. The shop that did his timing belt almost a week ago made a mistake that shouldn’t cost him anything.

In order to do a timing belt, you need to remove the crank pulley. So that’s what they did. But either they didn’t key the pulley correctly, or they didn’t torque it to spec so it wobbled almost completely off… throwing around the alternator belt, giving him the dash lights.

But the shop seems to claim it’s not their fault… that the key stripped out out “on its own.”


I’m about to go over to the shop with my camcorder and get this ignorance on tape… :wink:

go regulate on those bitchasses

and what shop is it, or is that not supposed to be public information _

onyx just stuck a camera in his face and knew exactly what he was talking about to the guy…saved my wallet a lot and i got a ride in a hot TTZ :tup: thanks dude greatly appreciated

was it hybrid connection?


no it was not its a place out in clarence

oh ok good :slight_smile:
cuz it happened ot a friend of mine there, and they wouldnt just fuck ya like that