…done so by our very own JVG. This thread certainly doesn’t help my cause any, but I still say fuck that. I’m just destructively creative.
Some might ahve read that the saga of my “overheating” Playstation 3 came to a close last night. It again, stated it was overheating and shutting down. Then stopped reading the blueray drive. Then the drive failed to give me back my fucking game. When that happened, I promptly grabbed the console and threw it out the house door. Yes, read that right. Big time crash onto the driveway @ ~2am
Well that event most definitely did not purge my anger and disgust, so I took the initiative this morning to end the life of this PS3 once and for all. Bitch said it was hot, it didn’t know the meaning of hot until today.
Those that know me well, truly know I am an evil fuck of a person when it comes to destroying things. Could have done far more, but I had cars to work on.
Guts from tearing apart to get my disk back. No I didn’t use a screwdriver:
The setup:
Aftermath part 1:
Watch video of crushing:
A little something something to assist in going critical: Touchoff:
Scotty!, I need more powa:
Leftovers after ~1 hour of burn time: