I8URVTEC offend #1

anything with RWD will spin/BLOW sideways if u are not going stright.

my lowly lt1 will BLOW the tires off if i want to but will stay straight its all driver input ,now if i matted it and jerked the wheel she will spin all over,on a sidenote adams scared of the z-28 i feel it battle of the 94,s



nah dawg, what we meenz is like REALLY sideways. Like, it just FUCKING BLOWS sideways.Ya dig?

stop jerking the wheel when you gun it and you wont have that issue. I know it’s super cool and all, but it’s not safe. jerk

Its all the torque steer :rofl

should that be happening when he is going WOT in a stright line? seems like something is missing here

A better driver? :lol


Why you posting pics of butt holes?

I guess you guys are forgetting the fact this is my first standard car I have ever driven/owned…I havent even owned it for 8 months.

maybe I am turning the wheel a little when Im on the gas, I dont know im not aware of that if thats the case but last time I checked, the front wheels do the steering and my front end is always straight…its my rear that goes out…so, if my front is always straight, how am I “jerking” the wheel?

I dont think you mean to smokin, and im not trying to be a dick, but you constantly make yourself sound like you dotn know what your doing when you post

Its called correction, if your ass end slides out, turn the wheels a bit to keep her straight…

which I do because I havent hit anything YET

im fully aware of that correction BTW…

Im talking about if Im driving straight, Im in 1st gear @ 4k, hammer it (mind you still keeping the wheel straight) the rear end swings out to the passenger side…every time…and if it doesnt do it in first, when I shift to 2nd it does it…

you guys are making it seem like im turning my wheel to make it kick out? thats the drift im getting??

Most cars will do that, how you sounded it makes it seem like you do it to look cool… Cause your always “blow sideways” this and that…

Generaly cars do that due to how the car shifts and the “torque” when you romp on it, you have to anticipate it to correct accordingly to keep it from “blowing sideways”

I know this lol

I just add the sideways detail to my storys…when I say sideways, I mean my rear end kicks out…not like I was 90% sideways and had to counter steer to save my life.

Also the crown in the road plays a part.

true…its annoying with my wide ass rear tires…they follow every single defect in the road.

i have 315’s in the rear and 265’s in the front! they go where they want. haha

but still, if im in first driving along stright and i hammer it, she will roast um right up but will not “blow sideways” like u say yours does.

have u ever checked to see if maybe something is loose?

yah I have 275’s up front…the car grabs everything!

as far as my suspension, I have been under there 3 times this year putting all new suspension parts on etc…I have checked everything. Its all tight as a rock.

I think the more power you have, the more the tires just “smear” and dont have that violent sideways affect because Adam’s bone stock C5 when we were racing went sideways the same exact way mine did when we both shifted into 2nd.

although its kind of odd because when I got my car, when it was bone stock on the shitty Raptor 275 tires, their was no sideways action or anything. It just smeared the tires straight.

maybe its because I have all these traction parts on my car is doing it because its fighting for traction? I am not sure…im kind of clueless about it because it doesnt make sence. I have a shot load of traction parts…although I did just do a 30-140mph run a little while ago out in Canada and it didnt spin, squeel or nothing…it hooked and burried the speedo…