If its not one thing....damn car wont start now

:axe: :axe: stupid ass car aaaaarg, its a CA for everyone,

my fan belt snapped a little while ago resulting in my having to do some work on my engine, i replace my water pump, all my belts, thermostat, radiator and put on some electric fans this weekend. It all seemed happy until i tried to start the damn thing and now no dice.
When we removed the crank angle sensor to take off the front motor cover we marked its position. As we had to remove the timing belt to get the water pump out we reset the timing before starting the car as according to the manual i downloaded off the net, the two marks on cam gears and 90 degrees to the outside, and at equal heights with the first piston at TDC, does that make sense so far? We reinstalled the cam angle sensor according to marks and tried to start the motor, it cranks happily sounded like it was going to start and then nothing, since then it hasnt even sounded close to starting, ive checked to make sure im getting fuel, adjusted the crank angle sensor, dont really know how to check spark with coilpacks but if it almost started the first time im assuming its getting spark. Now what?

Oh and the motor was running when the fan belt snapped and i turned it off, it didnt die or anything.

A real quick way to check for spark is unplug one of the coils, then have someone put a screw driver (rubber handle for less shock, you choice though) up the coil tube and then crank it over, you will know if theres spark there.

anybody ideas? Is it more important to have the correct number of teeth between the cam gear marks or to have the marks lined up in the right spot and cylinder one at TDC

you must have the correct number of teeth between gears and between crank and exhaust gear. one tooth out is 12-18 degrees of timing. also, you didn’t mention whether you made sure it was TDC of the compression stroke or not. make sure it’s the compression stroke, or your ignition timing will be out 180 degrees. (sparking when the valves are open instead of closed)

okay i had it at the right TDC, my question is if i line the cam marks up, then i have the wrong number of teeth in between wtf