illegal car

cliff notes would be nice?

I’ve always loved these cars, its sad to see it crushed.

Here’s a quick few pages that I have bookmarked for when I bring things across.

If you’re thinking about dealing with customs and you have no experience, I HIGHLY recommend a lawyer and or a broker to help you with a border crossing. However, keep in mind unless you have money to waste you won’t be bringing a Skyline, TVR, WRC homologation model or any of the above in without federalization unless the government has pre-approved it. Keep in mind, even some Canadian and international models while the same will NOT be issued a letter due to wiring or small emissions differences. And no, you can’t just slap the US spec parts on, it has to go through the entire RI process at a US Bonded RI. Which will cost you between $5k and $40k depending on the car.

Edit: Oh yeah, and just because something is legal on ONE of those above pages doesn’t mean it is legal to do. You need to cross the laws and regulations for CBP, EPA, and DOT (federal not local, local doesn’t give a shit) and find the correct set of rules that apply to whatever SPECIFIC thing you are trying to do.



[QUOTE=Coldaccord;1532737]oh yeah?

how, pray tell, is that[/QUOTE

Would that not be a false statement


I think his was a 94

I can’t believe all the “How could they take it?”

HE WAS SMUGGLING IT!!! He could bring it in as a show or race car, but he was smuggling it in, hence not using proper documentation. My old roommate works for customs, they know what they are looking for. Just like if you are bringing over $10k cash over the boarder, perfectly legal if you fill out the paper work and can prove where it came from. But people who made the money illegally aren’t going to do that are they, so if they get caught, every last dime of that $10k belongs to customs.

Should have brought it over in pieces and assembled it here. A LOT of cars are brought over that way.

MPD47 appears to know wtf he’s talking about and have knowledge on this subject. I have a question going the other way- if i were to take my 68 camaro to toronto motorsports park for armdrop live what do i need to cross the border with the car on a trailer?

MPD47, Do those rules apply to bringing car into the US to register for use on public roads? Or do they apply to bringing a non US spec car into the country at all?

I can see the argument for public use. But if someone wanted to use it as a track only car and never register it, I don’t see why that shouldbe an issue.

dont you think there would be like a million “track only” skylines if that were the case…

Just because they are here doesn’t mean that you have the ability to register it for public use. And so what if there are a million skylines being trailered to tracks. How is that different from a MIllion other track cars that aren’t street legal being trailered around.

lol argue and reason all you want bottom line is they arent allowed…

Everything is allowed when you have…

Ask O.J.

I couldnt have said it better myself

if you think it is going to be easy, think again

if you think it is going to be cheap, think again

if you think the govt will not fabricate federal charges against you in order to get what they want, think again

my plate said this for a reason

I do this a lot with the Z. The documentation I carry with me is the:
Truck Registration/Insurance
Trailer Registration/Insurance
Car in trailer proof of ownership

I already addressed this a page or two ago, as did Walker.

Similar thing happened to Bill Gates. US Customs seized his 959. It took him thirteen years, 85k in mods, and a law passed by the president to drive it in the states.

O and i think he actually engineered a computer program to demonstrate a crash test of the 959

doesnt seinfeld have one also?

Yes, he has one of (if not the) largest private Porsche collections in the world. Last I heard it was two hangers at LAX, plus a garage in So Cal plus his pad in NYC.