Im allergic to.....?

I can not figure out what is going on with me. I started working out a couple days ago. These last two workouts have been pretty tough and a couple hours after both, my body breaks out into hives. They are anywhere from my neck down. They are slightly red bumps on my skin, usually in groups and they itch just a little but it dosnt bother me. I used to play travel soccer as a teen, and i have worked out numerous times about a year ago but i stopped. We arent using a new detergent for washing clothes. The only thing i could think of is the first night after working out i took a 100% whey protein shake so i just thought i was allergic to whey so i stopped. Yesterday it all went away and i went back to the gym. I woke up this morning and it is back.


beleive its called cholinergic urticaria. You should get this checked out by a doctor, also think this develops around the age of 20-22, from what i remember.


Porter cable with some polish & a cutting pad oughta smooth that right out for you. :tup:

The internet?

I know this might sound crazy, but have you entertained the idea of a doctor? Otherwise you probably just need to flush your brake fluid and you’ll be all set.

gotta be low blinker fluid

this is off topic let him be

im just curious right now, every time i have something wrong with me i dont run to the doctors, i know some of u know what you are talking about, and others just like to post to be post i guess, so thanks 1995gts i already heard of that just curious if others have it or know of it

Muffler bearing?

Go see a doctor.

Sounds like you have GAIDS, good luck with life

are you showering after working out?

My girlfriend’s brother has this same problem. He has played football and baseball all his life, never had any trouble. Now he is in ROTC at Niagara and while they were running he randomly swelled up. Now whenever he exercises he breaks out in hives. He actually is getting blood work taken now. They don’t know yet what it is, but I’ll point out that condition stated above to him.

I don’t run to the doctor every time I have a problem either. But when I have a recurring problem of unknown cause I don’t come here and ask for speculation, I go to a doctor. Just saying take care of yourself.

Try a health and fitness forum…there are actually specific forums for that sort of thing on the net. check there.

When you’re allergic to something, you have to be exposed to it at least once before to get symptoms. Your body must be exposed to the substance at least once to realize that it does not react well to it, then every time after that you get the reaction. GO TO A DR!

Could be you’re getting other peoples sweat on you and its causing you to get a funny rash.

Not a problem, but it could be a biggger issue… chances are it is NOT a bigger issue but the possibility is still there. I still have it checked out…