enough with all the bull, this is really simple, you either want to race me or you dont, this has nothing to do with the past or who screwed who over or who messed what up or any of that garbage.

i did not go to lancaster, im also 30 years old

30 year old idiot :tup:


either way if your 30 and your coming on here running your mouth like this your a complete tool

hahahhaha self pwnage

yep your pretty bad ass yourself

You have taught me well grasshopper

haha you really suck at life

:drama2:this is getting better and better…

And you’re ignoring me

I came out here to get a race with chuck, if you guys want to spend all your time bashing me on the internet so be it. while your at it though why dont you get chuck to accept the race instead of trying to come up with more ways to trash me, after chuck beats me than you can all have your laughs, thats assuming he can. I will also take all side bets on the race, we will find a third party to handle the money. by the way chuck I dont really have to work to hard to scrape up money for my builds, I make a very good living doing what I do, and my side work pays me more than enough to finance my projects. so all of you out there dont worry about my car not being up to the task. i assure you it will be

blah blah blah blah blah

Why do you keep ignoring everyone elses posts???

muscle im not ignoring you, your being childish, this is about me trying to setup a race not a fight, if your really that interested in meeting me than im sure it can be arranged

So we determined you suck at life…Suck at the internet…

I have one last thing to confirm

Do you currently have a running car?

What is racing Chuck going to prove? Win or lose you’re still a fucking waste of life.

Why would you come on here in the middle of winter with this stupid bullshit…No one is even going to have their cars on the road for at least 2-3 months…


Where is RX3 when you need him, this would have been locked hours ago…

oh wait :slight_smile:

Yeah American Axle on Walden Ave. Last I heard the place was looking to close down and lay people off. So shouldn’t you be working on your resume in crayon and trying to find another job instead of making yourself look stupid online. Trust me it will NOT BE EASY FOR YOU

omg, he works right down the street from me… :frowning:

lol thats down the road from my work

thats just more time to get people out to watch it, yes I suck at life. whats your MO living at home with your parents? im not looking to proove anything, i want to race chuck thats it, not get into fights with people over a bunch of bullshit. I have worked way to hard over the past 10 plus years to pay off my house, have no car loans or credit card debt, save a shitload of money,and for what to knock some dude out, put him in the hosptital, get sued and loose all of it. I dont think so. im looking for a drag race with chuck at the track THATS IT.

get your facts straight, our delivan ave. plant closed, not mine.