im l33t.

If he gave you the paperwork that came with the safe, there is a sticker on every SENTRY safe manual with the master code.

I have a safe like that at my office and if I ever forgot the code, I can revert to the sticker on the instruction book to open it.

Mine is a big white sticker with a 0A3807 at the top, followed under that by BC727211* and then under that are two more numbers, one of which is the 5 digit master code.

Hopefully you have the booklet still…

Let’s try counting


That’s 10 >:(


hypnotic regression

drill it

Shiiit. I keep my drugs where they can be easily reached. When I’m hella fucked on weed and meth I don’t need no safe between me and my KO

I asked what was in it, they said:

“what do you fucking think is in it”

so it was actually probably FUBU sneakers.


Oh word. Or maybe chains from peircing pagoda.

Tell your brother to think of a new number that he would use.

You will have better odds than thinking of numbers yourself.

At least drill a hole and look inside.
What you want may not be worth the trouble.

Unless you are looking for a safe you can actually use…

Maybe a series of smaller safes like a Russian nesting doll


the only verdict is thermite

your password is probably


it’s the combination i have on my luggage

If he can remember any numbers, start guessing from there. Really there is no easy way to do this. They will not put a master code on safes, that wouldn’t make them very safe. Or contact Sentry and provide proof of ownership.


But I love reading. :stuck_out_tongue:

no you don’t


put op a post on craigslist for cracking it, or thers a place on main street thats good, also if u drill the keypad and get it open, u might be able to buy a new key pad so its totaly not a waist

Drop it off a bridge. Just not a bridge over water. :picard:

Never said I was good at it? :io: