I'm quitting cigarettes

I’m amazed by how many “intelligent” people smoke cigarettes.


I’ve only gone through 15 so far today…I’m doing good. Normally at work I go through at least 30.


That should be enough motivation for anyone to quite.

Smoka da weed instead.

drugs work


had one today on the way into work… it was a rough ride in.

some old *unt in the passing lane on rt.5 was doing 45 (in a 55) holding up traffic like crazy. I hope she crashed on the way to her doctors appointment

doing good now though

it’s crazy too… after not having one for over 24 hours, I got a body buzz… it was wierd


had one today on the way into work… it was a rough ride in.

some old *unt in the passing lane on rt.5 was doing 45 (in a 55) holding up traffic like crazy. I hope she crashed on the way to her doctors appointment

doing good now though

it’s crazy too… after not having one for over 24 hours, I got a body buzz… it was wierd


lol ya… i even got that off ultra lights once, i had to sit down and after the initial went away I was like haha wtf ULTRA LIGHTS?!

It’s an anti-depressant, exact same drug as wellbutrin. It takes the edge off of the neurotransmitter clusterfuck that’s associated with overcoming a chemical addiction. It won’t quit for you, but if you’re going to quit it can make it a little easier on you. It’s non-addictive. Don’t be afraid to talk to your doc about getting a little help.

Jeg stop being a retard. With all the health problems you’ve posted about, the last thing you need is another chemical addiction and lung cancer. Put that shit down.


Jeg stop being a retard. With all the health problems you’ve posted about, the last thing you need is another chemical addiction and lung cancer. Put that shit down.



I think hes just trying to put it to an end…

lol nah, it wasn’t from the cigarette (although it did get me sort of light headed)

I think it was from my body adjusting to not having one

i had a heart attack, havnt had one since, almost 6 months later. cold turkey. still drink and hang out with friends that smoke, it doesnt bother me.



I think hes just trying to put it to an end…


:lol: :hang::sword: What ever happened to good old fashioned rolling your F-bod through a cornfield at 130mph while running from the cops for knocking off a gas station?

awesome :tup: one of the best choices you could make

The nice thing about wellbutrin is your heath insurance will cover it under a co-pay. Zyban not always.
Some people react different to zyban/wellbutrin when i stopped taking it i got headaches for about a week.

i have no respect for people that can’t stick to their commitments.

I’ve taken so many psych courses, about therapy, behavior control and modification, habits, metal vs physical addiction, etc…

and even with a physical addiction and mental combined, with smoking, it’s said that if you can cold turkey it for 3 days, you’re already past the mental addiction part…literally 3 days, and you’re officially past it…all that’s left at that point is controlling the physical changes…which are nothing more than a matter of will power and mind set.

i know i know, “you’re not a smoker so how can you say that after 3 days it’ll be easy”

i’m not saying it’s easy past 3 days…but it shows you that mental addiction isn’t as strong as you thought…

side note…

am i the only person that noticed the title of the thread specifies that he’s quitting cigarettes? lol…crack FTMFW!

scratches neck

fo real… crack ftw

j/k :stuck_out_tongue:

Steve how many smokes did you smoke on a average day?

I smoke, on average 6-7 a day. If I drink I can easily go threw a pack a night. Good thing I don’t drink very often. Ive thought about quiting, hopefully some day I will. In college I stopped smoking for almost 2 months because I didn’t have any $ to buy them. That was the easiest time I ever had trying to stop. Good luck, stick to it if you serious about it.

Jay, probably about the same give or take.

on a bad day… a pack, on a good day… maybe 5-8 cigs (drinking? forget it… but hardly drink these days lol)

still going strong… :ohnoes:

lol Probably not helping with all this talk about it.

nah… doing ok

Yeah, I wouldn’t drink if I were you.