im thankfull for the people helping to clean up the mess from the storm, BUT...

wow, sorry to piss people off. and never once did i say i was ungreatful for these people helping clean up, so im not sure where that came from. i dont know why people think im hating on the workers, or how this even got started on a ‘keep this shit out of the car forum’ discussion. perhaps this was a ‘you had to be there to understand’ type situation, but this is also not the first time in recent days that i have seen these cleanup crews be inconsiderate and rude to the common people. and for the record, if the street was closed, they did a very poor job of warning drivers about it. they didint even have cones set up at the end or anything, so i guess you were supposed to just know this, or if you didnt you had to deal with a rude worker. my street, while residentail, is heavily used by a lot of people commuting back and forht from UB noth and south, and i think at one point, there was a line of about 6 cars at the end of the street all trying to back up and make 3-point turns in an area that was very small due to all of the debris being dumped in the street. and again, i realzie that they are probably not farmilair with the area and would have no idea that my street is heavily traveled durring the day, but that is not an excuse to skip precautions of putting up some kind of warning so people know the street is either closed or there is work going on ahead.

as far as the off topic thing goes, if this is a car forum, then why do we even have an off-topic section? and if you don’t like off-topic, nothing says you have to look at it. last i checked, the main page displays an index off all of the forums, and you can pick and choose which ones you want to look at. if you dont like off-topic, then dont look at it!