imma throw my car out. and my phone.

Wake up this morning (late - thx iphone alarm glitch) get in my car that has had no serious prior issues …DSC light is on, i cant turn the DSC back on its stuck off, aaaand ABS light is on.
tons of snow this morning was pretty apparent after 2.2seconds of driving i had gone back in time and had no abs or traction control like my early 90s honda when i was 16 EW.

searched wheel speed sensor issues, but usually you get the handbrake light on + EML light and F’d up speedometer + limp mode…mines just abs+dsc…still WSS?

I’m glad I caught my iPhone glitch during an afternoon nap. Did they fix that yet?

I can’t believe people don’t have real alarm clocks on use their phones.

I use both. But sometimes if I’m already in bed and don’t feel like getting up and walking across the room to set the normal one, I’ll set my phone while I’m laying down.

i use both because ive become immune to my normal alarm clock after years and years…maybe a new one with a distinctly diff sound will work better.

+1 on the real alarm clock that has batteries for electrical outages and automatic time change function.

^^^that wont help me drive in the snow :frowning:

abs sensor issue?

My iphone made me rush this morning as I work up 30 min late, opps.

im glad my iHome doesnt have the same glitch otherwise i would be proper fucked.

Was your speedometer working ok? If so it’s probably just an ABS sensor.

oh quit being a baby and drift that bitch.

lol, i know the traction control is quite nice, i usually leave mine on unless its working too well leaving intersections and im in a hurry, or when i want to have fun in a parking lot. i think a abs sensor is bad in my car, the abs all of a sudden didnt work on my car this morning. ugh. i need to do brakes anyways.

is the only light you see on the dsc light? no brake light or anything stuck on?

I guess I’m the oddball. When it snows the first thing I do is turn off that PITA traction control. I’ve considered getting the module that defaults it to off.

its just ABS + DSC light, speedo works fine. so maybe abs sensor but the car was fine when i parked it at 130am last night…i cant imagine 6 hours later it jsut went like that

i turn it off sometimes but DSC is awesome…ic an rip around a corner in snow, not lift off gas and feel one outside wheel kick on ABS as needed.

I turn off traction control in any car, first thing I do reguardless of weather conditions. Why is this a bad thing. Rock it out until the weather is nice enough to get under it and look.

i drive all day for work. its cool to have ABS in 2011 in the snow. DSC is nice too. i drove the nissan in the winter a couple years and it was low, wide tires, no traction control…it CAN be fun, but it effing sucked… every nerdy car guy SAYS oh man i take that stuff off because im a leet drifter and siq driver. be serious. these are good things to have esp in wet/slippery weather

^^^the traction control in these cars is really quite nice. i do turn mine off at times though to have fun.

is the red brake light or the round yellow brake symbol the one that is illuminated as well? i would check the sensors(rear first probably), and check to make sure the brake fluid isnt too low as this can set it off as well. also, i read something before about a sensor for wheel alignment, could be that too?

yellow brake light isnt on i think youre referring to the red hand brake light that can go on yellow…its only red when brakes up, goes completely off…and brake wear sensor circle light is not on either

what kind of car is it?

3 series?