impaired operation of vehicle ...

good info^

impaired goes along with over 80 (mg blood alcohol) but can refer to any number of substance that can impair so not neccessarily a drunk driving chrage whereas over 80 is alcohol specific. so its possibly to get either or both.

90 day susp typically… IIRC

your ins. comp will pass you over to facility to get raped, prepare to pay double

MTO knows within the two weeks it usually takes officers to enter their tickets unless they have the new automated card swipe unit…

sidenote; that drink an hour rule is bogus, I tired it and got pinched for over 80 at a spontanious “ride program”, I blew .82 and .90 both within the 10% margin of error and my lawyer beat it. An expensive mistake nonetheless that I will not make again. Had I been visually impaired I would have been charged with impaired too, but I wasn’t and the officer was nice enough to not cuff me or stuff me into the back of his suburban.

However the 90 susp remained on my record and my ins company has screwed me with it eversince, almost been 3 years now…
Does anyone know if this is legit for an ins. company to charge someone based on a susp for charges that were dropped?

^I have no shame so I will share this with everyone.