Import Exhaust

Did you see that disgusting burnout that gyms did in that video? It was pure sex. I’m obviously not talking about Jims… Judging by your avatar and distastefulness about four cylinder exhausts, I would not be caught dead in your jeep. IMHO you can make that thing as fast as you’d like and it’s never going to be an eye catcher. Then again I have a hatred toward Jeeps because I go to Cobleskill and everyone I’ve met that drives one is a complete tard or hillbilly and can’t park for shit.

Basically, you started a thread in a forum populated largely by people who drive Imports with the sentence “I’m not a big import guy…” and you have more wheel gap than my grandmothers Grand Caravan. I know, I know, it’s a Jeep thing…

Anytime you want to race I’ll be more than happy to put up money in my hillbilly Jeep! I would be willing to go autocross or drag…whatever you would like…wheel gap and all. Sucks when a Jeep can smoke your bloated WRX huh?
I wouldn’t be caught dead in your little ricer, so I guess we’re even! By the way, the Jeeps at your redneck college don’t have anything in common with mine! If you actually studied a little in high school you wouldn’t have to go to Cobleskill! Keep on riding with your fart can!

your SUCH a homo.

Imports Suck Dick

I’m the homo…go back to flipping burgers and putting crap add-ons to your gay Integra.


I don’t hate all imports…but d-bags like the Mr. Cobleskill can’t read and think that I was cracking on all imports! If he had read the whole post, I was just asking a simple question that others were nice enough to answer for me. I wouldn’t mind having a TT Supra or something along the lines of an Evo.

imports suck
domestics suck

I can say that because I own one of each lol

I wish I had a 91 Integra!!! I would be the coolest guy in the neighborhood!


this guy’s evo sounds super buzzy too ehh

flipping burgers!:rofl this man has no penis.


Another N/A four cyl laying dick on your face:

Typical reply from a guy who drives a 91 Integra! A little insecure I suspect!

That thing sounds pretty good…anything that hits the RPM’s of the S2k has the ability to sound really good!

Tunnel bombing is awesome!!! You dudes bicker like a buncha kittens. " mah cah is da bestest!" " nuuuuuuuu! Mah cah is da bestest!!" srsly now. Bring a timeslip after you post a video of you clearly visible at the same track from the same day after a few runs. Cuz if u dont, its gonna be " oh the ambient temperature wasnt right" or " my clutch slipped yhat one run" or something else. Go the same day, do five runs and post your best. Argument solved for quater mile. Go to the same autocross event, back it up with videos and time ran. Then measure your cocks on a table, whoever’s reaches further wins. Done deal.

TT Supras suck.

Never heard a 4 cylinder that sounded “good”

only ever heard one LSX motor that sounded good. <- it had some crazy equal length long tubed on it into a single exit exhaust.

Don’t even like the sound of some exotics

Da fuck do you like? Serious question :lol

some of my favorites are Audi v8’s another favorite of all time is the lexus LFA motor. so awesome