In-car from BeaveRun '05

I am going to try to do a couple Watins events too. Also going to try and get my comp license this year since I just paid off the Focus. Think I could borrow your trailer for the first two weeks in June? LOL

They add more days, not all of them on Friday anymore either. Basically you just have to watch their site. I’ve seen them add events anywhere from a few months in advance or two weeks in advance.

To add to Sleepers question. When I ran my civic there at most I usually peaked 105. Usually I tried to enter a bit less than that just to save my brakes. A few rare times I got close to 110 going into turn 10 (which I have a video of me following neonmike when just such a thing happened). I made it out ok I’ll say that much lol. I know GT1 Corvettes and some Formula cars are entering that same turn close to 140. But 120 in the Panoz is pretty good compared to most the stuff you’ll see up there.

…geez, I think that the faster cars are going better than that. I never did the math but I am sure I am doing +120 on the backstraight in a stock, choked off LT1 in 5th gear…

I just got my new car home yesterday - it’s a street legal, track prepped LT1 WS6. It is superior to my race car in every category except weight (when you don’t have to prepare to a ruleset, you can do that!). I can’t wait to test it on the track in the spring. I will definitely be attending multiple FOF’s to test the race car modifications and to play with my new car. Since I quit instructing, I will be able to be a little more social than I have been in the past.

FocusBoy - You are welcome to use my trailer when I am not using it. I haven’t mapped out my exact race schedule yet. Let me know when the dates get closer and we’ll get more serious about it.

I might be off on the MPH, but you figure 20mph faster into that turn is still a good bit. I worked that turn twice last year for a SCCA club race. One second the GT1 & Formula Atlantic’s were barreling in like there was no hope, and the next second they would be down to almost a dead stop. Someday I’d like to own something that could break physics like that haha.

I can’t wait for this year the STi will have a shit load of mods. Should be fun. Now I can beat the Vettes on the straights instead of just the turns…lol OR AT LEAST TRY!!!

I know thru turn 9 I was going 90mph my 1st & beginning of 2nd events

By middle of 2nd-3rd event I would say anywhere from 105-115ish mph. So I would say turn 7 & 8 I was going 120-130ish mph

Still at little timid with turn 9 my goal is consistent 120s thru there.

Also need to work on not breaking early off main straight before turn 1, but that takes time don;t want to push it too much too quickly would be hard to try to explain that to insurance…lol



turn 10 owned my buddy this past september and the 300ZXTT took a little side trip–I tease him w/ this picture haha

Better turn 10 then turn 9…He be scrapping more then grass off his exhaust…Probably more like scrapping 300zx off the barrier…lol

Oh shit handles? :rofl:

:smiley: “custom” oh shit handles!

Looks like fun…I can’t wait till I go

what kinda track fees are we looking at for a day at Beaverun??

How much if i just showup, and dont have any experience there??

This should answer many of your questions: