In our new house (finally)

This project made me age another 20 years.:redface:

<---- What does that even mean?:biglaugh:

bump. i just showed these to my father.


looks very nice.never seen this thread before until the bump.We might try and sell our house this summer and live in a rental or maybe buy a cheap fixer upper to flip.Then build our own in 2 yrs when we have enough money saved.

Speaking of Google Maps, this is my favorite picture of my house. (Notice the lack of nearby neighbors):D…

ha… how big/long is the driveway?

I haven’t actually measured but it may be as long as 3/8 mile with all the rally curves.

dude is that windows 2000? old school

^Ya, you know me. My bro hated the newer versions when I got my computer so he went old skoo. The computer is old though.

I was expecting

^Very funny. lol

where is the DOS prompt?

someone find the hitler freaking out from the movie video with the dubbed over subtitles about windows vista, there’s your man :lol:

That aerial view is amazing. Someday… someday

House it titie fucking awesome.



You must have some killer parties there!!! You could have your own outdoor concert and still get no complaints.


well at least they know what one to bomb…

i always run classic on XP, so mine looks the same.