Ingram employees:

crazy how 10 people in my dept get the boot, then yesterday 6 openings for similar positions have opened up on our website for hire

sounds like the classic corporate clean out game. use the economy to drop the dead weight or to hire people at a lower rate.

It’s def being used to perform a flush based on peoples wages. They don’t understand what a talent pool is truly worth IMO. But WTF do I know. Loyalty and history are never going to be rewarded amidst an economic crisis. I use the term “employee equity” to describe the value of a long term, knowledgeable associate.

Being new to the business environment, can someone answer this question for me…

When companies are forced to make cuts but plan on rehiring at lower wages and benefits, why cant some sort of option be proposed to the potentially axed employee to either take a pay cut to a starting salary, or give up their job???

It works for the employee because they have the option to either look for another job while continuing work, or take unemployment at what would probably loss from their usual salary.

It works for the company because they dont have to undergo training and orientation costs for the new employees.

I just asked someone else this as well. If paycuts are needed offer than prior to giving severance and allocating time and money to campaign for new candidates. Big biz is quite retarded…they are like rats chasing their own tails quite often.

All I can say is you never layoff your best employees.


to clear this up

People at ingram were NOT axed on personal performance… their position was eliminated…

ingram has been on a hiriing freeze for almost 6 months…

we are now letting some “mission critical” posititions post up that have been pending for far too long…

everybody who was let go can reapply for those positions… they are NOT goign to be getting their “old job” back at a lower pay…