Ingram employees:

Well, that sucks, but is alot better then it could be. :meh:


And, cleveland can be fun. Even for an old guy such as yourself.

i’ve been working at Ingram for almost 5 years, and im nervous about tomorrow… my secretary just handed me papers i had printed and i thought it was an HR folder and my <3 dropped, but it was only a calendar

in 2005 when they layed off for the outsourcing, they had envelopes on everyone’s desk before anyone came in, that was a day no managers were around… yea i don’t think it was a friday though i remember that much

2nd shift?

lol to the people who thinking moving west or south is a good idea. As if people aren’t being laid off out here too.

um yea i work there lol

a job has really been the only thing keeping me in buffalo. I’d like to get out an experience/live in a different city. Plus, I’d really like to be able to bike/skate/run longer than I get to here.

Vegas is calling…

i know…

NO! Not yet fggt.

I’m seriously thinking about talking to some fam out there. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

nothing happened yet. the rumor mill is goin full speed though…

my pops is prolly moving out there to hookup with his well off 27 yr old gf, and boomingt is already out there.

And, well, any job can pay the bills and support your habits. amirite?

DO WANT (well off 27 year old gf)

And, well, any job can pay the bills and support your habits. amirite?

i’m in good with VZW higher ups, i’ll be fine wherever I go.

so, nothing happened?


Shit guys i wish you the best of luck. rummor has it that there is going to be a round two at my place. 8 heads are apparently schedualed for the chopping block. Now its only a matter of time to see when the guillotine drops.

i cant SLEEP

Oh I know. I was just trying to say, a lot of people keep talking about moving to other places for jobs, but it’s not much better in other places and you definitely don’t want to make a big move when you don’t even have a job waiting on the other end.

Make sure you’re hooked up where ever you go. With the Circuit Citys closing a lot of areas are way over staffed on Reps and AMs. The company is doing so well that it can’t lay off anyone, but at the same time everywhere is so overstaffed. So, what they’ve done is come out with a new score card that is like impossible to hit so that they can start weeding people out through DA.

Kind of surprising to hear that Ingram is considering lay offs. Always appeared to be such a solid company. Hopefully you guys aren’t part of the layoffs.

Good thing is, evolve isn’t your run of the mill morAn rep.

I’m sure he’ll be fine where ever he goes.

word, thanks homie.

and i would be doing everything in my power to not go back to retail.