Ingram employees:

If its based upon 08 performance, it still should be owed to you.

yup def based on 08

anything today? I have not heard of a single one yet…

no, nothing yet… everybody is still on pins & needles

That it should be owed to you. If you get let go, and when you meet with HR and your boss, make sure you bring it up. They might try and get away without paying people for it.

Best of luck with the layoffs, hope you guys keep your jobs…my cousin works there and when i talked to him last night, hes worried.

I thought you were one of those fiercly free-market types of guys. How then do you fault a company for taking any measures that makes them more profit? Isn’t greed just the engine of a free market economy?

nah, havent heard anything yet…

you people need to read greg spierkel’s e-mails better!!!


Greed is fuel for the machine which is our monetary based society.
Trading the markets and investing in stocks is VASTLY different than working for a company though. Do I fault a company for layoffs…no. Do I fault them for being so cheap as to not pay for a picnic and boost morale…YES!

A happy worker is a more productive worker. Workers create your bottom line, Investors seek to profit from the said bottom line.
Labor income is different than profit income. :wink:

Sweat shop workers are pretty productive.

As well as abused wives.

I don’t like your logic.

those indian guys might have funny accents and might have been just a bit dumber than you, however, they probably cost 1/2 the price. Still though, it is irresponsible to hire non-citizens when there are such high unemployment numbers in the US right now.


what do you do here?


i read corporate e-mails and summarize them to associates


i think i have another hint as to whats gonna HAPPEN HERE…

cell pic i took…soo jeff are these boxes FOR YOU??

Your comparison lacks logic entirely. Apples to bananas. :roflpicard:
Please let the adults talk. :stuck_out_tongue:

You want to compare fat, lazy, overpaid Americans with unions and entitlement issues to sweat shop workers and battered wives? You entice spoiled brats with ice cream and rewards not fear. That’s how they got to be spoiled brats in the first place after all. Creatures of habit.

The abused are only productive because they are in fear. Also I’m willing to bet sweat shop workers have no other opportunities to break free and flourish given their locale so they are double trapped. Fear is the cycle that binds there.

I’m just kidding about the “adults” thing. I thought it would go without saying but reading that back it may come across as serious.
Also my disdain for American greed is why I feel a depression could serve the country well. I’m not a popular guy in general because I don’t sugar coat shit.

yea bro, bring them upstairs :tup:

You are getting CDCB shipments to work?? This is how we get caught, bro.

You sound like a great employee… why did they let you go exactly? :picard: