nah man, this is something else.
I am outspoken yes, but with the customers best interest in mind.
God forbid someone in a customer service environment treats the customers right and looks out for their best interest. For the record if I wasn’t a good employee I wouldn’t have lasted 10 years and countless previous layoffs now would I?
They let me go because they wanted to pretend they ran out of ice cream. LOL
I’m prepared for the damage all the job loss will cause and again I THINK A ROYAL FLUSH IS GOOD FOR AMERICA!!! We have far too high of wages and far too little productivity. Alas, I’m a creature of habit and will fight for my ice cream.
Good luck in the new economy.
I think its hilarious you have much more loyalty to the customer than the company you work for.
Tough crowd. I love this shit. LOL
I sympathize with the customer as in many other walks of life I am “the customer” myself. I wouldn’t say I was “loyal” to the customer, rather that I was loyal to doing my job well with the customer in mind.
I gave a company 10 years of my life…I think that’s pretty loyal no?
There’s much more to my story that I’m not putting on a car forum with a bashing bandwagon on my ass. LOL I’ll say I had elbow surgery due to repetitive motion at work and I am seeking legal representation. That’s all I will say about that for now. I wouldn’t be dopey or arrogant enough to sue because I was laid off. Which I wasn’t laid off technically…that’s part of my argument.
So how many clowns are for outsourcing American jobs? Do you enjoy the service and language barrier you get these days? I don’t and it’s not a bigoted reason. To be honest I admire the foreigners desire to learn and strive given an opportunity to take American jobs. I have no issue with the workers overseas period. My issue is with the companies that whine about the economy despite playing a role in the collapse and job reductions. What good is the greed going to do them now?
Always JMHO
for some reason I’m thinking you are in sales. Whether or not you are I don’t have a clue. you may have made that indication somewhere in the thread.
I don’t have a problem going above and beyond in supporting a customer providing there is no queue, or you aren’t just giving free shit away when you’ve already made a sale.
i know more about our customers problems more than anyone in this thread
im gonna pour u all over my pancakes from the atrium
I was tech support the entire 10 years. Their approach to things in general these days are retarded. It’s a different economy for sure…but they have made poor decisions in the past 3 years roughly, IMO.
Using their “sales linkage” example they had a 6 email per week mandate where techs would have to contact 6 customers per week with opportunities over $5k. What happened was techs were waiting till Friday eve and spamming 6 random $5k customers. If I’m a customer…sorry but “linkage” = spam when done in that fashion. I spoke up as usual, and questioned why 6 first off…being that we work 5 day weeks. 5 emails made more sense logically. I then took it a step further and suggested it should be 1 per day. At the end of each day you review your calls and the opportunity you had the most hands on and effort involved, you emailed that customer. So as you see, I don’t rant to hear myself bitch, I have suggestions and like to ask “why not”. You Ingram guys may get a kick of of the “why not” thing no? LOL They did nothing with my idea and things went on ass backwards with other non nonsensical modifications.
The gist of “linkage” was a good concept but they threw it together with no thought and even made it part of our champion bonus incentive at the onset without any feelers.
Nice site btw. And photos of course. Slick shit bro.
they only have low carlorie me in the atrium silly :eekdance:
Damn dude 10 years in tech support? Take this as a blessing and apply your 10 years elsewhere and get a better salary.
So many guys I worked with at TWC that were there for like 10 years + and yet still made less than 40k, tech support is a terrible place for a career.
no money in tech supp.
I was making a very fair wage…I’ll leave it at that.
Terrible career, that I surely cannot deny.
You’re right, in the end it will be a blessing…for now it’s a burden though.
Thanks for the thoughts.
those atrium waffles are awesome, i have not had one since summer hmmm
I laughed at all the people I started off working with at TWC who were the 10 year crew making their 40k andafter a year I had already gotten 3 promotions and made more than them. Yet I knew they would never move away from tech support or even try to move up in the field away from it because they had learned the trade of “tech support” sad thing was 99% of them were idiots who didn’t know computer and network issues, only how to answer questions for people by the book.
Hopefully you bounce back soon, it’s a shame seeing all these people on the forum getting laid off.
What is it you do? Are there any certs or recommendations you may have?
I agree about the general “tech”. It’s even worse these days with companies now looking to hire interns for $10 an hour instead of paying the bucks to someone with experience.