Ingram employees:

Which argument? I dunno which you mean. And as for playing the game all wrong…I wasn’t playing a game at first…but he who laughs last. :slight_smile:

Good luck with the layoffs. If you get cut I’ll want to feel bad for you as well. I was a good and loyal worker for 10 years and they cut me without severance using my surgery complications/workers comp as an angle. Wise business decision, maybe (courts will decide). Proper in terms of morals or ethics, nope. I do understand morals have a limited role in biz in reality. I had a VERY clean record there, I just made more than a Philippino or Apex student and they will shave all talent to save a buck at this point. Good track records, skills and all else is trumped by your wages in this economy.

I don’t want sympathy anyhow. I’m taking this as a blessing in many ways. Hell I’m not stressing over rumors now if nothing else. LOL I called this when they did wave 1 of oursourcing. They were keeping people around and sending them over to train our replacements. That was quite clear but everyone was in denial.


so is tomorrow going to be the big day?? i start at 11:30 so lets see if i have parking spots!

what no

A. Im not getting laid off… I already know this.

B. Even if I did get laid off, I wouldn’t care because im a student to a profession that will not see job losses for a few generations to come (Accounting)

C. By playing the game, I mean, you should have recognized your jobs vulnerability based on all of the reasons you mentioned above (and that it was tech support), and sought out a way to make yourself more valuable to the company.

I get your beef with “big business” but guess what… Big business is and will always be big business. Im saying you had a good 10 years to find a way to make yourself more valuable (In Ingram’s eyes) than those APEX students or Manillians (lol), but im assuming you got fat and happy with where you were at, which is never a good idea.

Again, I dont know your story nor am I taking any joy in your loss, but you kinda set yourself up for failure. The light im seeing in all of this, is that through your posts, its obviously become clear to you as to where businesses are being driven now a days (especially in this economy).

Ingram is gonna crash and burn. All jobs lost. Bought out by Tech data who suck and both companies flop.
Stock to $0.0001. is the new ticker.

For the record…I used my on the clock time VERY wisely and learned the stock market on Ingrams dime. LUL.
They see me rollin, they hatin! Tryin to catch my cubicle dirrty!!!

Note…no listing for tech support, customer service or sales. Confirming the rumors. Holla

got a copy of the Thug Life Email Rap Yo?

Ok… at first I was like… aww, poor guy obviously he is a little bitter towards the company he put so much time into and then got hacked from.

After this post, I can clearly see that you’re just a pompous ignorant douche bag. Seriously? celebrating people losing jobs on here… real cool dude!

Why dint you reply to my previous thread? Maybe a lot of truth to what I had said? There are probably so many reasons past your shitty “work related carpal tunnel” that you lost your job. Im assuming you’re trolling this site anyways, but any validity to the points you have previously made in this thread, have all gone out the window in my eyes with this last one.

You remind me of Ray Finkle from the last scene of Ace Ventura with that post right there.

there are never spots at 11:30 thats when i couldn’t get in today so u will know!

ser. wtf traders you are not welcome in the atrium anymore no waffles for you!

If you can’t take a joke that clearly was meant as sarcasm I dunno what to tell you. Who could take anything serious with that graph? CMON.
I was the first to defend the rights of workers and many jumped on me about “that’s business” etc… So I played the reverse psych game for some comedy.

Also it was tennis elbow…get a fcukin clue before you open your cack garage in attempt to insult please. You want sympathy for stress due to the silly rumor mill but you don’t want to have any sympathy for someone that has suffered MAJOR complications and eventually lost their job thanks to work related surgery and pay rate, not poor performance. I don’t expect boo hoo for me because I lost my job but don’t make light of my surgery issues or you’ll have a shitstorm on your hands.

For the record I hope NONE of you lose your jobs. Stressing about possible layoffs is pointless though. You aren’t the bean counters and you can’t control shit. I had the Sr. Director of tech support and of course my direct supervisor telling the execs/bean counters they wanted me back. The $ just didn’t work out in their eyes and they shit canned me on 12/21. That was my x-mas present for giving 10 years and alot of my arms abilities. Does that sound fair or moral to you? Life isn’t fair let alone business, but life goes on. :slight_smile:

LOL about the atrium syrup. I’d buy you lunch if I could sneak in. :wink:


ugh. this is not what i hoped this would turn into.

closed until something actually happens. i may delete a whole bunch of shit posts too.

so did it happen today? I’m in Spain, should I bother coming home?

300 peeps eliminated between the cali office, toronto, and buffalo

only to you

why are you cking NYSpeed when you are in spain … go look at shit

WOW, are you still in?

ya im safeee

You can’t come home until you’ve bagged a spanish chick.

“yo quiero cabeza.” “wat? that doesn’t mean the same here?”