inspection + etest

hey sorry i was trying to find a thread that may have covered this already but unfortunately nothing… as far back as i could see at least…

anyways my situation is I’m moving to the GTA from Vancouver pretty soon here… around end of summer if not delayed till spring…

gonna be bringing my 96 s14 with an rb25… :stuck_out_tongue:

anyways the question is: i gotta get e-tested and inspected… and as far I’m concerned, I don’t know anybody that knows shit about cars out there yet…

I’ve thus far figured out that I can drive on my plates for 60 days once I’ve arrived in Ontario… which is an okay window i guess… and I’ve discovered that your insurance is also non governmental out there… so i get to choose the cheaper guys :D… any recommendations on insurance companies? esp. those of you with S and R chassis( preferably affordable ).

Also is the inspections/E-test done in a governmental facility; considering your insurance is private? or is it done at any authorized facility/shop, such at SG or PUR?

anyone got any hook ups on a custom 3 cat exhaust to help me pass :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

please feel free to reply to this post in regards to anything that will help, or that I’m missing and should probably consider before making the move…



state farm-$200 a month 17yrs old 2nd 240, and you can do the e-test where ever a shop does them, i actually do them at canadian tire

since it is a swapped car you can just run it as a hot-rod at a good (knows what they are doing and talking about) shop.
cost 0$ extra and 0 hassle. I walked in, said need a etest under hot-rod… they said… why hot rod? i said its swapped, they said ok LOL
place i went to is in whitby.

For insurance --> or

Dont be too happy about finding the “cheaper” rate its probably still higher then what you are paying there.

Actually I am curious to see if your policy increases or decreses.

itll be for sure more in ontario because its not government regulated

to be honest by the looks of it it, seems like its a bit cheaper in Ontario, not by much but just a tad…

esp. based on the comment from gandza… i mean out here in Vancouver i pay 220 a month but that’s with a 20% 4 year discount…

thanks a million based on the replies… fellas you helped me answer questions i couldn’t find anywhere else for the love of god haha…

anyways to add to the questions…

what do you have swapped Driftacular out of curiosity? and as for declaring your car as a hot rod… does that increase the #'s for emission passing grades? or do you not have to take the test for your car at all at that point?

are you still allowed to monthly/yearly insure your cars afters its been declared as a hotrod? or does it have to be temps/permits?

when you e-test as a hotrod the limits are much higher so it will pass pretty much guaranteed. Insurance doesn’t need to know about the e-test so that’s not a problem

To get it tested as a hot rod mto may want a letter from Nissan saying you could not get that engine as an option in that vehicle in north America, and it raises the #'s that it aloud to have, and yea you can still monthly or yearly insure it.

any recognized reliable shops fellas? website/address/shop name anything?

to be declaired a hot rod you have to have an engine that didnt come in that model of car that year ie. if you have a silvia with a ca18 and you swap a sr into it, if the engine was available to that model of car it is not considdered a hot rod. but say you had a rb20 in a s13 that would be a hot rod, engine didnt come in that model of car

the engine availability is for THIS market. not what was available in some other country somewhere.

did an S13 in ontario ever come with a CA or an SR? no. therefore a swapped S13 gets etested as a hot rod

also if you have a RHD imported silvia it’s a grey market vehicle anyway so it doesn’t matter what engine is in it

---------- Post added at 11:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ----------


there are registered emission facilities that have the proper emissions testing equipment

here is a list of them

they all do pretty much the same thing and they all cost 35 bucks

as far as an “inspection”, you need to acquire a safety standards certificate from a registered motor vehicle inspection station (MVIS)

most tuning shops are not MVIS licensed… for that you need to go to a “real” mechanic

they check for basic safety items like tire tread, working wipers, horn, rust holes, lights, etc etc

some mechanics are more lenient than others when it comes to passing a safety

As for insurance, if you live IN Toronto… you will definitely pay 300$+ for insurance. Outside of the GTA you can expect around 150$ from what I’ve seen.

E-tests can be done anywhere, get hot rod if you can’t pass. Safety you can also pretty much get anywhere…

hey datenshi when you say outside the GTA… is oshawa/ptbo considered outside the GTA?

thanks for all the information thus far fellas. helps a ton

Yea that area is part of Durham i believe.

Yes it is, anywhere with a postal code starting with “M” will see much higher insurance rates than a postal code that starts with “L” or another letter.