insurance company calls this a right off

Yo man stick that shit up the company’s pooper yo! at least you’re making it out with something good! cant wait to see that shit when its complete! and i told you what i’m feeling eh?

well most likley this will be the new track car. to use and abuse at all next seasons drift events

Hey I would tread carefully on this issue. All common sense says to cram this issue right up their overcharging asses and reap the reward. I had an accident in 03 with my mom’s 96 Intrepid in the middle of a snowstorm. On my way through the intersection (which was clear, I have witnesses) we got hit in the right side just behind the wheel by some asshole whipping around the corner in a SUV. The police chalked it up as a not fault accident. The car was written off and we both bought 2000 neons. over a period of about 6 months my insurance slowly went from 150 to 698 per month. When I phoned the insurance company to ask wtf they said even though my accident was “not at fault” my “chances of encountering an accident were grater” even though it was my first accident, no prior tickets. So my advice to you before you collect any money would be to ask them if this will affect your rates in any way if you make a claim, if they say no it won’t I’d get that in writing. Best of luck, hope you do well.

Poor peter, even your last car had some damage similar to that, in the same spot :wink:


hahaha not funny

damn man that sucks.

sorta looks like mine did, just mine was on driver side and more damage … and well im driving my car again.
thats an easy fix

i dont have collision on my insurance so i didnt get any money or anything from my insurance company, all i got from them is increase in my monthly payments.

gl with your situation and hope your driving your car again soon.