Insurance company decisions...

Ok so I jsut recently got my Skyline GTS like 5 days ago. On Thursday, I parked my car across the street from my friends house in a subdivision. The next thing I kno I am called outside a guy backed into my GTR front end. I was pissed! The next day I report it to the police and my insruance company. Then on that Friday, I am driving a guy slows down and stops in front of me to turn left so i slowed down and stopped behind him. Like 6 seconds later… SMASH! a guy slide right into the rear of my car! My rear and front bumpers now need to be replaced, my rear tail light, and the right side near the gas tank door will need to all be banged out and fixed plus paint. What do u guys think the insurance company is gonna do? I want it fixed… Its an excellent car and works extremely well and is very rare! I want to keep it and get it repaired what do u guys think will happen?

get the insurance pay for everything and including the second one. tell them the truth and be ready for the consequences. sell the skyline too because you dont want to keep a “smashed car” whether you like it or not a smashed car will never be the same. just get another one

na im gonna keep it. nothin mechanically was effected at all. I got lucky its just mild body work. It pretty much attacked my kit lol. Just gotta switch it up. With the new kit it replaces the affected areas anyways so its all good.

What is your history like with this insurance company? Do you have a good history with them in the past or is the first time you’re insuring with this company? Do you have any history with any past insurers?

Here’s what I would think if I were the insurance company with no history attached to your record.

The vehicle that has no significant previous stated value, and was an extreme risk to my company to insure is getting in numerous accidents. There is a great possibility that this driver is trying to defraud us for settlement funds on repairing this vehicle or, this driver does not know how to drive in a safe manner or park in safe places, as per his contract and should be classified as a high risk driver. Also, based on the estimated value of the vehicle, we feel it is necessary to write off the vehicle as it may now be unsafe for the road. Therefore, I will do one (or more) of three things:

  1. Write off the vehicle as it will cost too much repair this low valued vehicle.
  2. Cancel his policy for potential fraud
  3. Increase his premiums (Most likely if you are anything under a full G driver with at least 5 years driving experience)

wow im glad ur not my insurance company lol!!

just playing na everything is all good! The insurance company is gonna fix it. Both were deemed not my fault by the police and couldnt be avoided. Police reports were made for both so there is no chance of fraud. My insruance company is greeat!