Insurance question.

If you carry Full coverage auto insurance (lib/comp/collison)
and a deer HITS YOU.
does this fall under a comprehensive claim or a collision claim?

The reason I ask,
A deer hit me, got a police report. I’d say around $2000 in damage my comprehensive deductable is $250 and my collison deductable is $1000

I would think its collision, you collided with a deer.

Nevermind, found it.

Comprehensive auto insurance coverage
Comprehensive insurance coverage includes all direct and accidental loss not caused by collision or upset to your insured vehicle or to a vehicle damaged by you, including its equipment. Generally, comprehensive auto coverage includes:

Contact with a bird or animal
Falling or flying objects
Theft or larceny
Hail, water or flood
Malicious mischief or vandalism
Riot or civil commotion
Breakage of glass
Explosion or earthquake

deers fall under comp. at least when i hit mine, i only had comp. no collision and it was still covered

correct. because a deer running out in front of you is considered an act of nature. if you have any more ins specific questions pm me i used to work for an auto ins company…

I always assumed a dear would be collision. Good to know.

Deer :picard:

Wow, can’t believe I did that. Too much shit going on here at work today. Yeah, that’s my excuse.

another question about deer…is it required to get a police report after hitting a deer if you want to claim it? I hit one months ago and haven’t done anything about it, does this matter?

Maybe not a police report, but you should report it to the ins right away… you may be SOL if you let it got for a while without contacting anyone.

It is a comp claim though.

You need a police report with any insurance claim.
If you plan on getting a no fault…

JayS I always assumed a dear would be collision. Good to know.

Maybe he is talking about a significant other? I think that would be considered a pedestrian.

Also, I’m not positive, but you could be charged…for leaving the scence of an accident.

I know for a fact you have to report hitting a family pet (dog,cat ect)
Same probably goes for any other large animal.

Do you have to call the police on the scene to get the report or can you go to the station and get it written up after?

I called the police when it happened and they wanted me to stay there.

for saftey reasons mostley (if your car is too damaged… ect)
Also they want to see deer remains and tracks…or else you could be lying.