Insuring Boosted 240's

Hey guys… im just about to bring my car out for the spring with my new swap in it and Iam just curious to how you went about insuring them …

ummm get insurance
i don’t see what the fuckin problem is
get insurance
get plate
get fuel

noooooooooooooo i mean …when the insurance company asks you about the car for example if anything’s done to it to modify the performance of the vehicle… just wondering what all the people here who put sr’s or ca’s in 240’s said…

My insurance company asked me if I had swapped the engine in my CRX for performance, or if I had any other performance mods. Luckily, I got to tell them “Nope, that’s the factory engine for this car” snicker snicker!

^^ What are you snickering about? It’s still slow. :E

Those be fighting words!

I dont see the issue of insuring a boosted vech, if spent tonnes on the swap, then you might wanna tell them it has a new engine so if it does get screwed you at least have the ability cover some of the loss…

Tell them you swapped in a smaller engine, if you did the SR swap that is. As I recall, Rob (RS13) did that and got a reduction on his insurance! :smiley:

Whatever you don’t, forget not declaring it. If they find out that you swapped your engine before an accident, they can actually cancel your insurance policy.

yeahh i was thinking about telling them that idea… considering my motor isssssssssss a 1.8l… what about vehicle inspections though?? im pretty sure i have a source to get it passed no prob but what did you guys do?? find a buddy with a mechanic license n get them to do it?? cuz i have no cat either?

You don’t need a cat. There are no emissions laws in alberta at all. Technically you aren’t supposed to have a widened exhaust, but as long as you don’t rev up like a moron all the time the cops probably won’t hassle you.

hahaha death vs baker gogo