iPhone 4 Speed Test Results

It’s constantly rated behind Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint. So, I guess so.


Notice the last paragraph. So, if the phone goes to Verizon, who is rated tops…don’t you think SOME people would jump ship? All they obviously care about is the phone. Put that phone on a better network and what do you think is going to happen?

So again, I would not be surprised if, across the nation, AT&T loses people to Verizon when the iPhone hits their shelves. This might be a blessing for AT&T though, because it would take away some of the strain on their network. So it may make it better for the people who stay with AT&T.

I don’t care either way. I have way too many grandfather perks with Sprint to even consider leaving. I only drop maybe 10 calls a year and I travel as far south as VA and as far west as Cleveland on a regular basis.