iPhone gets announced for Verizon

Well would you look at that.

Plus a million. Verizon is going to be rolling out a complete 4g network in '11 as well as a full 4g line up of new phones.

The droid sucks. Get over yourselves.

I’ve had wayy too many calls drop or have a half bar in my house on my iPhone it’s at the point where im considering paying the early termination fee just to jump over to verizon.

Never had a problem with Android… and I’ll be getting another Droid at the end of this week. The iPhone is a cool novelty item though haha

i love my Iphone 4 on AT&T. I dont have internet or a phone at home so I dont mind paying the $94 dollars a month. Within the last two months I went from having full edge service at my house to having full 3G service. Not sure what changed…

Verizon made a HUGE deal about this at the release. Literally every blog post I saw had them saying “We are ready for the increased traffic.”

When I had all four companies in my office to pitch their data services, Verizon’s annual cost for their network was like double (at least) what everyone else was spending. Sprint was second, followed by AT&T and T-Mobile. This was 3 years ago though. I got trumped before which is why I was using AT&T data cards up to about 6 months ago. I’m closing my AT&T account at the end of the month.


Wasn’t there just a thread full of people telling you to get over yourself? Nobody changes that quick. regifting of advice you’ve just been given is not allowed.

Change what? Do you really think I am going to change a single aspect of my life because of some uneducated douchebag’s biased bandwagon-jumping opinion on the internet? :rofl

LMAO why not? Shift therapy is the best!!

Do you have an iPhone4? Some of the phones suck like that its the phone most likely not the service. My bros brand new iPhone4 did the same thing and he went and got a new one and never had problem again

That’s cause the first batch of iP4’s had that infamous put-your-finger-over-a-certain-part-of-the-phone-and-lose-signal-issue. :rofl

I feel like many people buy the iphone for the name… if you look at the specs it is veryyyy similar to the Droid 2 and Droid X… so my next question must be WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT SHIT

Verizon only = AT&T before you hit the data cap. After that AT&T starts charging you in the ass. Their coverage is shit too, but that’s a well known fact.

I don’t see many android users switching over to the Iphone. Some, but not most. Most of the people who do will be on stock roms/unrooted. It’ll be the people that aren’t taking advantage of what they have. Iphones are cool but they seriously lack the potential that android phones have in the way of customization and control over the phone.

This is a good move for Verizon as long as they don’t decide to implement a system similar to AT&T’s data setup.

I got a 3GS but once i drive off my street its instantly at full bar haha
It’s not like I live in the middle of nowhere either, .8 mile from crossgates

that kinda thing is why i hate AT&T. they blamed customers for something they didnt account for. and I REALLY hate how they(at least used to) advertise “unlimted” data plans. if u look up that word in the dictionary, it doesnt have “up to 8 gigabytes” written anywhere. unlimited means just that, its got no limit, but when you put a cap on it, its no longer unlimited. shoulda called it “high usage” to be more accurate.

exactly. im not leaving. plus i have a good discount through AT&T that i cannot get through Verizon.
and where i am service is just fine.

Verizon is tiered on their data cards/mifis at $20,$35,$39.99, $50,$59.99 and $80

Their data features for smartphones are also tiered at $15, $29.99 and $44.99

Yeah well they also started calling their network 4g before the standard was redfined to include LTE and HSPA+. AT&T is some shady shit…

What I’m curious about is why Verizon’s stock has dropped over two dollars in the last week. You’d think that it would be going up with and announcement like this. Unfortunately the drop tells me that they might be reconsidering their data plan structure and we might see a change in their billing. If that happens, I won’t be happy.

Verizon Wireless is not publically traded, you are following Verizons stock.