I didn’t realize they were separate from each other.
Verizon communications has a 55 percent share of Verizon Wireless (the other 45 going to a european partner) so I think it’s safe to say that what effects the wireless company effects Verizon communications also.
I really dont feel like reading the whole thread, but is there a set in stone release date
oh yea, if u have a hefty discount, stick to it. if somebody could get me a BIG discount on another service, id switch at the end of my contract.
On February 3rd Verizon’s existing customers will have an opportunity to pre-order. On February 10th, everyone will be able to order online, in stores, or in Apple stores. The pricing (if you were to buy one) would be: $199 for the 16GB, $299 for 32GB – mobile hotspot include. Up to 5 devices can connect to the hotspot.
theyre not even offering 4g speeds. fuckin bullshit right there.
The verizon iPhone will not be able to talk on the phone and browse the web and/or text at the same time like the AT&T one does. CDMA is not capable of this.
Overall, I think this is a positive move but have no interest in ever leaving AT&T. I am a very happy and loyal customer.
Nice! Im kind of 50/50 i have the htc driod eris, buttttttt idk i get bored of it
If you’re an android user and you’re not rooted/reflashed I’m not surprised you’re bored.
just goes to show yet again droid sucks, why would verison put all the work into marketing adv. selling the droid only to roll over and have the iphone bail the lame ass os out,( cause they realize it will never be a iphone killa as some like to refer to it, haha) apple for the win :tongue
Verizon sucks my dick
Verizon sucks stallmers dick!
Ill stick with my $32.99- 22% discount 800 minute a month Nextel plan and my free except the $5 battery I replaced Ipod.
It does! I got assloads of obnoxious charges ALL the time, and i got a 25% discount a month plus didn’t have iPhone. With AT&T, I have yet to have one complaint. So… F verizon ni99as
Oh yea I forgot they did that with the smartphones now too, but they still have the unlimited unlike AT&T.
Probably because Verizon realizes fanbois outnumber the amount of people who prefer the customization available with android. I know so many people who want an Iphone just because it is called an Iphone.
true i have no problem agreeing with you, i personally dont like the limmits of an iphone and what apple will allow, thats why ive always jail broken mine… i gave an old phone to a friends sister and shes used it for a few months, she came home from college and i ask her about it and she had no clue the possibilitys she was given, app store 99% free, total customization on the phone itself. , etc etc … she just wanted a iphone. i should of taken it back:facepalm
dosen’t change anything the phone is still better