iPod help

i finally gave in and bought an iPod for the car…also got an FM transmitter for it. actually i have two…dont ask…lol…

but anyways, no matter which one i use or what preset station its for, i dont get any reception or sound out of it except a random beep. yes i have the volume on the ipod up (as per the manual).

HELP…road trip tomorrow night which will suck without this purchase…lol…

idtente error perhaps…

i have no idea…

but where is the road trip?

Which FM transmitter are you using?

one is an itrip, other is a JIO

chances are you have already done this, but find a station that isnt being used and has a lot of static, set your transmitter and your car radio to the same station

the actual volume will be controlled on your car radio not the ipod

maybe your ipod is too far from the radio? i dont really know what the problem is, just trying to offer a little advice

i had that problem and i exchanged my iTrip. no more problem. i recommend you do the same before you leave town.

any other ideas?

does ur car stereo have an auxillary output

Edited, since you don’t need an OUTput FROM the head unit, you need an input to accept audio from the iPoo.



Hardwire the thing. If you can’t, sell your headunit, and pick one up with AUX lines so you can hardwire the thing.

I have the Bellcan transmitter and it seems to work best. I have tried two others which weren’t as good. I always use FM sation 88.5 it seems to work best. If you find your self in the south towns ( OP, West Senec, or Lackawanna) and still can’t seem to get this working PM me and I will see if mine works on your car and if we can’t get it working.