Is it Bad? Power shifting.

i had 305 crank…:lmao

13.1 @ 111 > 13.1 @ 106

you also had drag radials :wink:

Might be an option

Mike i feel the R200 is inevitable. Im gonna get a Quote from morgan. Maybe uncle sam will pay for that.

Nope, 245 Riken Raptors. Never made it to the track with DR’s or any mods unfortunately

my 275 Riken Raptors hooked better at the track and the street then my 315 goodyear Eagle F1 Gs-D3’s…

figure that out.

trap prep was weak?

the ktwizzle was the only car ive owned that ive powershifted. needless to say it was a lot of fun.

Track Prep on the streets?? lol

I said the 275 rikens hooked better at the track and Street then the 315 GS-d3’s.

lol read it wrong thought you were at the track both times

I run 275 riken raptors

shits are tight.

Oh and powershifting, totally awesome for the tranny.

good year = shit. overpriced.

WOT shifting ftw

Have any of you ridden in a WOT box car?

$189 will get you safe flat foot shifting. It cuts the spark when there is more than 80% throttle poition, and the clutch is kicked. Then there are two options, you either set a millisecond delay, or leave it as automatic to reengauge the spark.

Concept is that the spark cut to all cyclinders make the motor produce no torque therefore allowing the syncros to slow right down and let you band the next gear without being locked out, or in my shitty o2j VW transmissions case, grinding the piss out of the shift.

also the motor doesnt go into vac. so you dont loose boost.

The delay is the best way to set it up, but you need to be on your game. Set it to a 250ms delay and you have just enough time to kick the clutch hit the gear and the spark will be back on at the end of the delay. The automatic setting works off the clutch micro switch and has a slower spark reengaugement.

As long as your shit is set up right and can hold the power your making, this is actually easier on your shift hubs and syncros.

Off topic, but those who brought up the Riken Raptors, did you seriously enjoy them? When I picked up the s2k that’s what came on them.

for how cheap they are, I thought they were a Great tire.

PAGING Shadys dad…

Don’t do it if you have a large and heavy wheel/tire setup.

with the evo’s, tephra ( stock ecu mastermind) came out a patch for NLTS (no lift to shift)… pretty neat with the stock ecu…

Do it in your s2k when it’s done. Boom, goodbye rear diff :rofl