Is this for real!?!?!? someone please let me know

hahaha, thanks. But I think you should be looking towards people like bing and Sento Jodisha. I apologize if I don’t have many names here, but those are off the top of my head.
I’m a pure enthusiast. They pay attention to those things for a living. They know what it’s all about without question. I may or may not know based on how it ties into my everyday life. They know because they’ve experienced it and have been trained with it a thousand times over… plus they love it too. Can’t forget that.

Thanks though :R

EEEEE! I like the way you think bro…definitely something I’d love to do, especially when it comes to disturbing Honda meets lmao :stuck_out_tongue: . You think as I do, why be separate all the time? We have to get together once in a while. Would anyone be up for this? At this time I wouldn’t be able to announce a possible date, because I’m really tied up with work/school/my club etc. I know Im up for it, but then again…what do/might other people think? Anyone interested? I’m gonna start a new thread regarding this issue, if you cant find it by the time you post…just leave ur comments here and we’ll post em up on the new one! :R
Thanks! :slight_smile:

Thats +1 vote for you Patrick :R , sure do know exactly what ur talking about. Damn, I sure wish I could be like that :o , oh well, soon enough…i hope :wink:

^ learn to stop double posting, there’s a multi-quote function on this forum if you didn’t notice

lmao sumones a little harsh tonight

<--------Is extremely sorry for double posting :o

why be sorry. you only did it like 10 times…

no need for attitude…lol, though that was pretty funny

fail i might if test me take. lol

assass1n… u join after me january u post more than me november? hundreds more!!! no make sense me go slow

nismo, lets start with capitalization and punctuation first. Using those things properly make almost any sentence more defined and properly structured.

lol you guys are funny

^ take her post for example.

Very simple and easy to understand.

^what you say? go slow please, me no understand.

Ok everyone, I’ll try to improve:S . Ok, fine I WILL improve.

will should be in lowercase… for example: will

i understand u are emphasizing the need for improvement… however u are commiting grammatical errors whenever u type

for example… Ok = okay…

this is stupid… im going to lock this now because none of you can be mature about shit and this isnt what this board is about.