It's a bird! It's a Plane! It's SuperMan! No, it's a 100 spoke wheel

Naw I like it.

ADD is not a joke, it is a serious disease that affects oh look a bird…


That actually looks easily repairable. Just drill out the spot welds where the roof is attached to the c-pillars, same with the a-pillars, new windshield and interior pieces, repaint and done.

there are some issues with doing this… but it can be done… hot rod guys can chop the tops on their cars, so why cant a 3 series…

is it even an m3… if not let it go

I love how sarcastic he is;
“oh look, here is a big gash in my neck” lolz

Does he get to keep the wheel?

why not just make it a convertible?

thats just what I was thinking.

Oh the silly thought processes of some people.

a honda would have ducked and missed the wheel.

Holy shit…

That would suck so hard to just see something in the air like that be like what the fuckkk… BAM… and have it hit you like that.

i did not see it … but someone should… i dont have a login

“Luckily they found the dude responsible” LOL couldnt have been that hard. probably the only '83 Braugham with 3 wheels sittin on the side of the highway!

Damn…that was a nice tire.

wow, that unbelievable…

does he know where the wheel came from? on the back of a truck? on a truck? etc etc?

haha, i was looking for this post

it’s just an e36 M3. they aren’t particularly rare, shit - since it’s totalled out, i’m sure he could pick up another if he really wanted. entirely not worth the work and fucked title, part it out. call it a day.

glad the dude’s alive…

Very few things on the internet now a days really make me stop and say “Holy fucking shit.” I also literally did the slow, over-exaggerated, cartoon blink thing when my brain pieced together that it was the driver posting, and not just recalling something he witnessed third-party.


yea, because its totaly resonable to fix a car which basicly had its roof smashed in by a 100 pounds of metal and rubber, dont worry, im sure after a couple attempts youll get all the window frames to LOOK like they line up

youll still have a horribble wind noise from someplace you cant ID, but fuck it

a pillars - shot
b pillars - shot
c pillars - iffy

and if anyone thinks that swapping the roof on a new car is anythin like chopping the top on a 34 ford, you obviously have no idea how chops are done, no idea how to swap the roof on a newer car, and have never had to find a wind noise on a crash repaired german automobile