J&J Shafts yet Another Customer (7/12/07)


say it aint so!


I wonder if you explained to everyone how I had to take you to small claims court to get my engine lift and air hose back. You showed up in court on May 11, 2007 and claimed I was just looking for money. When all I wanted was MY tools that you borrowed from Chuck’s house in Sept 2006. You went in front of the judge in your suit and tie and told her it was resolved and you were bringing me my stuff back that Friday night. You claimed I had a set of cylinder head cores from Slater’s engine that you wanted. They weren’t technically yours but they were just collecting dust in my shop. I also told you to get YOUR air hose at Chuck’s house in return for mine that you took. I do also remember trying to shake your hand in the elevator at city court and saying lets have a beer and end this BS. Then in true badazz fashion you refused and got all heated. A women in the elevator even told you to calm down.

So then later that night you show up at Chuck’s house in Cheektowaga to drop off my equipment that you took in Sept 2006. The engine lift was unloaded and then you took it upon yourself to throw my air hose on the ground (childish). I seem to remember having your air hose coiled up nicely, and the cylinder head cores were wrapped in plastic. Neither of which were damaged in any way shape or form. Then while picking up my air hose I asked you were the expensive safety disconnect ends were. Immediately you jumped in my face in true meathead fashion, then got all angry and left.

Later after moving the stuff in the garage I noticed that you maliciously destroyed everything. You took a brand new air hose and took the nice push button disconnect ends off the hose. Probably because you liked them and are still using them at your shop. Then if that wasn’t bad enough you took both of the brass ends and crushed them oblong in a vice so the hose was completely unusable. Then moving onto the engine lift you broke a wheel off (obvious hammer marks) then you tightened the pressure relief valve on the hydraulic ram, and then broke if off flush with a hammer (again obvious hammer marks). You also took the jack handle and pinched the end closed in a vice (vice marks).

All I asked for is my tools back. If they would’ve came back in good condition that would’ve been the end of it. Instead you again decided to do it the hard way. I mean I don’t know what you were thinking at the time when you destroyed everything. A smart person would’ve used their brain and thought he took me to court to get his stuff back, he will probably take me to small claims court again if I destroy his shit. I guess you didn’t think about that. So now you have to waste another day in small claims court and explain to the same judge why you decided to destroy my tools instead of returning them in good condition and just ending this whole ordeal. Sometimes I don’t know how someone with a masters degree like yourself can be so stupid and unreasonable.



thread fail








I know I’m new here and all, but I’m motioning to have a special F-body/JJ/BadAzz/broken tools/stolen parts/titanium washer bottle/he said/she said forum created. That would rock.

nyspeed has been turning me into a huge asshole lately, i need to go to nyspeed anonymous. every post i make starts off with something like WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, and then i have to sit and rephrase it into something not insulting

yawn… must be middle of summer f-bod drama is building toward a dramatic finale that just fizzles into winter


Fucking ban. Don’t conduct yourself like this in public when you’re supposedly a professional running a business. Don’t air your dirty laundry out here when it has nothing to do with the board. I’m embarrassed for you J&J.


Yes and tools were destroy by another professional that runs a business. I don’t see how it has nothing to do with the board, but then again a lot of things have nothing to do with the board. Mark is a member here and so am I. I just never got an explanation as to why he wrecked everything intensionally instead of just bringing the stuff back and ending the whole ordeal. Be embarrassed for me I am not. I want answers


nyspeed has been turning me into a huge asshole lately


I was wondering why I was seriously thinking about fighting someone in an elevator today because they were only going up 1 floor

I need to get off this forum

i had nothing to do with this tool/equipment situation.

but how about this. you pay me interest on the 3k that u had of mine for a year, (x5%=$150), then on the 5k that u had of mine for a year, (x5%=250), then we re-evaluate our build agreement to fix to the original terms of ~$5200 which were suggested multiple times by you (and i have the spreadsheet, and emails - i paid you $6000 after who knows what prices you got from where), so theres $800 more…

so theres 1200 bones buddy. once again take your POS $200 equipment and go fuck yourself with it. :slight_smile:

I suppose y’all could always lace up some gloves and go a few rounds.

holy fuck is everyone 12 this week or something?

Take him back to court then, Jason. NYSpeed can’t do anything about it.


I was wondering why I was seriously thinking about fighting someone in an elevator today because they were only going up 1 floor

I need to get off this forum


yea i almost got into a fight yesterday by some asshole who took me to burrito bay and wouldn’t make up his fucking mind about nachos…

If i wasn’t so excited about getting a glutton i would have kicked him in the face


I need to get off this forum


:word: This place has been like a bad blowjob lately. Not enjoyable, something you know you’d be better off without, yet you still take it for no other reason than it being available.

Fuck it. I’m out for a while. I need to go rebuild my faith in humanity. I’ll see all the autocrossers Sunday! Peace to the rest of you for a while!


Take him back to court then, Jason. NYSpeed can’t do anything about it.


He is going back to court in August. I still can’t comprehend why he would do it though


i had nothing to do with this tool/equipment situation.


Exactly then this thread has nothing to do with you. Unless you know why Mark choose to destroy $500 of tools and go to small claims again instead of just dropping it


:word: This place has been like a bad blowjob lately. Not enjoyable, something you know you’d be better off without, yet you still take it for no other reason than it being available.

Fuck it. I’m out for a while. I need to go rebuild my faith in humanity. I’ll see all the autocrossers Sunday! Peace to the rest of you for a while!



you’ll be back after lunch, unless you are going to take friday off…

and then he took my hose and threw it, i just wanted to die… it ruined my super 16 party


Fuck it. I’m out for a while. I need to go rebuild my faith in humanity. I’ll see all the autocrossers Sunday! Peace to the rest of you for a while!


You’re still looking at this thread!


and then he took my hose and threw it, i just wanted to die… it ruined my super 16 party



Seriously, wtf has happend to this forum in the last month. Everyone’s had sand in their vagina.

lol 19 people viewing… :tup: