J&J Shafts yet Another Customer (7/12/07)

do you REALLY want to know this?

integrity will go right down the shitter if this is answered.

but fuck it, it’s all a big joke so i guess it doesn’t matter. lol


Answer me this : What the fuck exactly happened to WNYFBODY



integrity will go right down the shitter if this is answered.


you’re really concerned about integrity after the past 24 hours of posts on this thread?:uhh:

not mine.

but i don’t try to make people look like assholes on purpose, if they bring it on themselves that’s just how it goes.


you’re really concerned about integrity after the past 24 hours of posts on this thread?:uhh:



not mine.

but i don’t try to make people look like assholes on purpose, if they bring it on themselves that’s just how it goes.


totally agreed. Honestly, being the n00b that I am know nothing about this whole issue one way or another. However, it’s been akin to watching a super-slow-mo trainwreck, and am hoping that the next post will set a few more boilers exploding.

it does help the work day go by though!


This thread is Siqqqqqqq


it does help the work day go by though!




it does help the work day go by though!


seriously… ive been done with my work since 930 and cant leave… so im just glued to this thread… granted i dont much bout the situation or the people involved, but its funny as hell

I see you viewing this thread Dan please post!

Fucking Meatheads

You guys all just make each other look bad…plain and simple…this is why when I need work done to my car I just do it myself…I’d rather be down for three months than get involved in all this useless BS!!!

as retarded as this sounds…i cant view page 7…wtf?

um ok… i saw darkstars post bout not seeing page 7, while on page 7, then came back to it and cant see again… wtf??

F-Bod group hug…mullets included



F-Bod group hug…mullets included


Those are weak-ass mullets. I was strong in that department in my younger years. However, nothing compared to this sitting in front of us at the NHRA race in Norwalk a couple of week ago.


NAAAA…the guy u have labeled BuickGN looks way to much like JAM


NAAAA…the guy u have labeled BuickGN looks way to much like JAM


But I don’t know Jam…

well he looks liek that guy