Jesus Debate

L.Ron Hubbered’s shits real too right? nikuk… Fuck you mean to tell me aliens didnt make this shit possible fuck my lifes ruined.

i’d try talking to a priest… not someone on here.

or join a bible study.

ugh. no offense kid, im christian too, but if you’re gunna start a ‘jesus debate’ thread, you need to be prepared for people with good arguments… and have better points yourself too.

I read the thread title and did the biggest fucking Picard ever.

Anyhow, it looks like I get to have the pleasure of having the only post in this thread relavent to the original post.

Religious nuts and skeptics alike agree that the claims that they found Jesus’s tomb are BS. It’s a publicity stunt based on huge assumptions. They found a tomb with “Jesus” inscribed on it and ignore the fact that “Jesus” of 2000 years ago is like the name “Joe” today. Doesn’t mean shit. But whatever, google it yourself if you’re interested in a factual study. If you’re not I could post all the facts in the world and you’ll decide based on what you want to believe.

Better watch yourself. It seems to me that that’s kind of a righteous, vengeful attitude that flies in the face of the spirit if Christ’s teachings. Oh, and we’re not seeing some sort of new downfall of society. It’s the same shit that’s been happening for thousands of years. Lately it’s been different factions of Muslims killing each other in the name of God. In the past it’s been Christians. In the next millenia maybe we’ll see killing in the name of Vishnu?

I for one just pray that God/Jesus forgives me for all my fuckups when I reach St. Peter’s gate. I hope he forgives everyone else too. It wouldn’t be right for me to expect forgiveness for myself but not others.

IIRC in Roman Catholocism they’d go to hell because they haven’t been baptised and thus have not had the mortal sin of Adam & Eve tarnishing God’s paradise washed away.

I personally believe they go to heaven. They haven’t had the chance to become greedy self-serving bastards yet.

What do you think?

That will NEVER happen here man…just take what people say with a grain of salt and ignore them. There are a lot of very closed minded people on this forum. Get use to it. Religious debates do not exist here…and any attempt turns into a complete bashing. It’s best to leave that subject alone, trust me lol.

NYSpeed > :whip: < Religious beliefs

lol it was me and jay acutally

so wait? jesus was black?

Fixed that one for you there.

JESUS MUST BE BLACK, his palms aren’t peach!!


watch out he’s a slippery character, he’ll snag your bike to get away from the romans if he has to… oh wait there was no bikes back then. THATS WHY HE is ON THE CROSS

K Federjesus?

In before 50 pics of jesus doing various awesome activities with funny punch lines. :tup:

in before someone repeats the in before funny pictures, oh ya on that note

Somehow this seems appropriate after reading the first page of this thread:

haha i was going to post that picture but i liked the starwars one better.

this is still my favorite picture

i see buddy christ
