Joe Biden


So, evolution works on flies, but man has remained the same since God dreamt him up, thousands of years ago?

yes, until you grow wings or whatever is the next step in evolution

What about the fact that man has adapted, in all regions of the globe, to the climate and available resources? Africans are black. Swedes are practically transparent. The Irish can live on nothing but alcohol and misplaced rage.

You answered your own question, adaptation is not evolution.

ShalerPunk said it already…leave that at church, there is a separation of church and state, be glad we can say the pledge of allegiance!

Why not? Has religion not played a very large role throughout the course of history? Is it not still very relevant today?

There is more than one way that religious based theories of creationism could be presented in a public school. Being taught the potential viewpoints of others is not a bad thing. Prompting one to actually think and possibly look at things from a different perspectvie is not a bad thing. Doing something that may result in one learning ethics in a public school is not a bad thing.

Separation of church and state…does that mean anything to you?

Teaching the history of world religions and their impact is fine, teaching the religions themselves is wrong.

THE VATICAN’S official stance is that evolution is the way. Let me repeat myself: THE FUCKING VATICAN. John Paul II was of the opinion that creationists were delusional, and that evolution was not at odds with the Catholic faith; The story of creation is not to be taken literally.

Why yes it does, I think I may have come across it while getting my law degree. :rolleyes:

Perhaps you should look into it a bit further before blindly tossing it out there as an attempt to justify your position.

How could you really teach about a religion without at least covering some of the basic fundamentals and beliefs (such as the particular religion’s beliefs in how many came to be)? I do realize that actually having religions taught in school is not an easy thing to actually have done in an even and unbiased manner but it is possible.

I have no problem with high school kids learning the basics of the major religions; I have a huge problem with elementary students being taught creation as legit theory.

I have no problem with high school kids learning the basics of the major religions; I have a huge problem with elementary students being taught creation as legit theory.

Me and the commie finally agree on something. :smiley:

How about the schools teach something important, like math and english. They seem to be lacking in this area.

If I want my kids to learn about differnet religon’s, I will teach them about them. The public schools should stick to things that you can prove, not mythical creatures and beliefs.

Exactly. Our oldest is a junior and is taking honors physics, coll prep english, pre-calc, american culture, argument & debate, spanish 3, and organic chemistry. She only has study hall two days a week. I see no openings for religion. I may even argue to get rid of debate and spanish and make the other classes longer. :slight_smile:

I don’t care if you have a law degree or twelve of them. As a lawyer you should have read the constitution which would say:

    Article VI Section (3)

    "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the
    members of the several State legislatures, and all executive and
    judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several
    States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this
    Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a
    qualification to any office or public trust under the United
    States. [emphasis added] "

So, why would we need to have religion in the classroom? I am against it and if you want to teach your kids religion, send them to Sunday school or the like. Our failing education system should concentrate on, like stated above, English/Math etc, not Religion. And if someone starts bringing in morals being taught by religious beliefs, well guess who should take care of that? Yes, the Parents. They are the ones responsible for their children! There is a huge discontent of this nature in today’s society.

i know the liberal thing your talking about that blew it out of proportion.

i don’t have time to find the legit link…google search “palin dinosaurs human coexist”

that should give you one of the legit sources from the interview


Interesting choice of sections to quote, not really relevant but interesting none the less. The principle of separation of church and state generally only limits how religious topics may be taught, it does not prohibit teaching of religions in school.

There is not necessarily a “need” for teaching of religion in general in the classroom but there is a lot to be potentially gained from its inclusion. I’m speaking generally now, not in-depth Catholicism but perhaps something more like religions of the world for dummies. Not in sunday school format but more of like a social studies approach which could then discuss varied thoeries of creation, religious events, how religion conveys messages/ethics/morals/etc. Such teaching might actually get students to think about the world around them a bit more and understand possible viewpoints of others, etc. (which was at least part of the reasoning Palin gave for favoring it in the first place).

As for the parents responsibilty, I completely agree 100% that parents should be teaching morals/ethics along with a myriad of other things to their children. Problem is a lot of parents do not, or simply cannot either because they do not know or are not available due to reasons possibly beyond their control (work, death, MIA, incarceration).

Anything I have be able to find was based on the same single story of some liberal professor, last name Munger, that has been openly against Palin. If anyone has anything more I would gladly like to see it. Otherwise it appears to be nothing more that a big non-story.

anybody else think Joe Biden looks like Mel Brooks in this scene from blazing saddles?
[ame=“”]YouTube - Blazing Saddles - Harumph![/ame]

I didn’t get a harumph outta that guy!

I’m all for taking religion out of the classroom, but if our educational system is going to throw out one “theory” of something that in all reality doesn’t matter in modern life, both such theories should be thrown out.

Does the fact that monkeys developed into people affect the economy? Does it help people write books? This is the kind of crap that people should learn on their own time. The garbage I was taught about government, banking and history actually makes me angry.

The only thing worse than the education in this country is the products of it. One such product being that most of the country is so easily upset about one stupid issue about creation v. evolution that they overlook all of the other glaring errors in our educational system. These same idiots then act extremely satisfied with the outcome, and the “better” educational system after some court decides which it’s going to be.

Wake up people, that’s a bullshit issue, just like gay marriage. The problem is the government is too big. The dept of education shouldn’t be able to tell people how to educate their kids and the government should not be concerned with who is married to whom. These are all smoke-screen issues. If you don’t know any of the real issues, it’s been working like a charm on your dumb ass.


I’m glad to see this board ignoring this shit…

So you’re a biologist then? :jerkit:

I think that religion should be separated from state, the country, and the motherfucking planet. Leave Aesop behind people, we’re in teh 21st century now. We can put a man on the moon, land a spacecraft millions of miles away on other planets, but we’re REALLY gonna stick to the book that teaches us the world is flat, slaves are ok, and that there’s an invisible man in the sky that will get super pissed if you do bad shit.

If you’re going to insult the Bible, you should familiarize yourself with it a bit more. It does not say the world is flat or that slavery is ok. And as for your invisible man bit, well that’s a mild case of over-simplification, but I guess it’s helping you sleep at night.

To clarify what Darkstar bumbled through:

The Bible is a collection of things ranging from pacifism and collectivism to vengeance and punishment. Many of the stories are good lessons in charity, humility, and doing the right thing, BUT they are only stories. To say they should be taught as fact in a public school is amazingly stupid. Adolescents should have a comprehensive education in all of the major religions, as a means of seeing others’ perspectives, not as fact.

As for evolution, it is the logical theory supported by the evidence. To throw it out is to throw out the scientific method. That’s not just coming from me, an atheist, but it also comes from the Vatican.