Jury Duty

This coming for the guy who hasn’t even been to basic training, says his MOS “says he’s going to Iraq.” Here’s some words of advice. Your MOS means damn near nothing, if you are going active duty, about you being deployed. They don’t deploy you on your MOS. They deploy your unit. Unless you are reserve/national guard, MOS is negligible. And obviously you know nothing about being an American, if you can’t fathom the idea of jury duty. I bet you are also one of those faggots who say they don’t agree with the war, but don’t bother voting. The only thing you’ve proved about being an American, in this thread, is that you were competant enough to sign a contract and that you were able to pass the ASVAB (for you non-military people, that’s the test you have to pass in order to get into the military).