your gay
Non us resident :kekegay:
tell them you dont like your local police at all you have a problem with all police now. thats what my mom did after the locals wouldnt follow thru with a robbery that included her diamond ring. they told her that she watched too much crime TV…
fuck the popo and fuck being registerd to vote.
doesnt matter if ur registered to vote or note, i am not and i got picked, its if you pay taxes haha, if you are registered to vote, it only increases your chance at getting picked.
one more day and im done woot!
jury duty absolutely blows, but it beats driving out to work and the card they give you has some decent discounts. i had to go for a dental malpractice suit.
I got my letter today postponed til december so I can go downtown in the holiday shopping craze …umm NO !
ppl shop downtown?
Damn I just got hit up again! Isn’t there some kinda of period where you aren’t called for Jury Duty? I just served for a week in Jan. 2008. Aren’t there enough registered voters in Allegheny County to do this?
Mine came a few weeks ago. How the hell would they know if i received it or not.
Didn’t sign for anything.
I had jury duty in July. I got picked. I sat there for hours. Got picked again. Got interviewed. Said my mother worked for a local police department (true). Got picked to be on the jury. This was all the first day. The second day I had to report, I sat there from 8:30 AM until 3:45 PM, just me and the other jury members in a room, looking at each other - and you can’t leave the room except for the lunch break. They came to a plea deal, I was out of there by 4:00. Nearly 8 hours of sitting in a room with 14 other people I don’t know. Sweet.
Cliffs: I have nothing positive to say about the experience. If you can save yourself, do it!
i believe the individual standing trial gets to pick who his jury is. when i went my guy was standing trial for attempted murder, aggravated assault and carrying a firearm without a permit
when i went up to the defense they asked me what kind of illegal activity i’ve witnessed(on the questionaire it asks have you ever witnessed a crime)
i straight up told them everything, held nothing back well i didn’t get picked
btw i went in there with a small pocket knife on my key ring. so they took it and i got to walk around all day holding a weapons reciept, you wanna talk about a conversation starter? it was funny how shocked people got when they saw it
i had to go year or so ago walked in sat down talked to a cop buddy of mine and was sent on my way. my buddy was the arresting officer
Pretty much random, IIRC, with each side getting to refuse or ‘challenge’ a number of candidates.
I have to call in tomorrow afternoon for Wednesday Jury Duty.
It sucks, but it is part of life. My company pays me for my time.
x2 I should call because I forgot the dates (think it’s 10/14) and I’m going to Mississippi on the 19th.