Just another garage / shop build thread

Just the start of it. Motion sensor activates the can lights just so you can see what you’re doing. The big boys will come on as needed for the work lighting.

More of a milestone progress than a volume progress update. Was finally able to get the last of the concrete poured on Saturday morning. We started in the dark and wrapped up around 12:00 and spent more time waiting for things to tighten up than normal due to the cold temps. Saw cutting was done Sunday morning and I plan on sealing this evening. Based on my math, since I bought the house, I’ve now eclipsed the 5,000 SF mark for new concrete, and I;m sure I’m not quite done. Gutters going up today sometime and I need to hit the interior wiring and loose ends pretty hard this week / weekend.



Wow that’s fantastic.

Meh. There are nicer buildings, architecturally speaking, but that is pretty badass. I would like to live in a garage someday.

By the time it’s all over, I may be living in there.

The building looks awesome!

awesome. so much room for activities.

Do you have stock in concrete?

I’m thinking about it. I haven’t done the math but there’s a good chance I now have more concrete than grass…and I still have a couple smaller projects to go.

Well, the insulators finally showed up today and got 95% done, and then the whistle blew. 30 more minutes and I think they’d have been finished. Oh well, I don’t sign their paychecks. Drywallers coming in on Saturday morning and once they’re done, I only have the gas line to extend / connect, hanging of the plywood around the lower perimeter, priming and painting, the staircase, interior trim, and just odds and ends. Guess the hard part is really over. Moving all my shit out of my current shop is going to be the real treat.

Incredibly envious and great work. My garage sucks.

Turned out nice :tup:

Nice looking for sure! :tup:

looking good andy. The tall windows on the left hand side are a nice touch.

I don’t have a Viper though.

Thanks. Interior progress to follow.

All the windows were a mis-order from my employer’s warehouse. Wrong exterior color apparently. They would’ve never been sold used for a customer so I got them for a felonious price. Win for both of us. The windows in my garage are nicer than the ones in my house…so says the wife.

Are you putting in a lift?

no, i would assume he’s gonna go with jackstands and cinderblocks on a budget build like this

… Looks amazing. I’m going to need some poured next summer, should I call you for a quote?

Yes I assumed the same

Guess I should of read the whole thread

These were the “pods” I dug for the lift posts. I’m going to dismantle my lift downtown and transplant it ASAP.

If I get tired of the lift, I’m going to go this route.

I might be able to help. With my place I did all the form work, stone, supplied the wire mesh, compacting, etc. and my guy came and did the pour and finish work. I could hook you up with him and see where it all shakes out.

How thick is your slab 4"? Looks like those “pods” are another 3" deep.